Mjfoo, what you are experiencing is completely normal. None of us could function at all in the first days. We have all existed in a fog of confusion, anxiety, fear, sadness, helplessness, - you name it. It gets better, it really does. It takes a bit of time, but by 6-7 weeks, the necessity of getting your life in order will arise and you will start to function in the fog of grief.
My husband’s funeral was 11 days after he died. It was also my 69th birthday. My friends had to literally lead me around by the arm. If not for them, I would have not made it through the process. It was then, and still is, a blur.
The flowers! My house was filled too. After a week, they started to go in the bin. Honestly, I was happy to see them go. It was like living in a funeral home for a while.
My drill is to live hour by hour, not think of the future except for paying bills on time. I still make a list of 5 things I must do each day to maintain the house and my existence, I get them done and then know I have moved forward and did not forget to do anything important.
Lean on friends and family. When they say “is there anything I can do?”, give them something to do that you need done. They want to help but need direction. Mine drove me for weeks, shopped for essentials with me, delivered dinners, and helped clear out some junk.
I’m still here, 13 weeks in and I promise - it is better than in the beginning.
Exhaustion is part of the whole. Do yourself a favor and get out of bed early. If you need to nap later, do so. But, getting out of bed is a must.
The dogs are fine. Get one of the boys to take them for a walk until you are up to the job. BTW the dog walks are great for recovery. It is time alone, in nature, to think of everything while you and the dogs get exercise and get fresh air. You feel better afterwards.
You are going to make it, we all are making it day by day. None of us thought we would, but we did and are.
Y’all, I am still with a bad tummy and the cramping is keeping me in, close to the bathroom. One more thing, eh?
Much love to all.