Two weeks of widowhood.

Peaches, I think you are right, and no it wasn’t in any way unsympathetic - it was just sensible. I’ve been asking myself whether I was making things more difficult for myself, and as I’ll be away soon, cutting back now makes total sense. ‘Sweetheart’ was a term we both used for each other too, so I just hear her saying that. I’ve a busy week next week, socially and estate wise, so that would make it easier to miss several days I think. I’ll give it a try and see how it goes. I think I needed a nudge to cut back - and the family haven’t suggested it so far. I think they’d agree with you though. I’m drinking orange juice for Vitamin C but don’t ever take vitamin tablets or such. I suffer from sinusitis a lot, and have a spray to help with that.

Sorry about the beef, light bulb and coffee. They do say things come in threes so hopefully that’s your lot.

Mary was so particular with the bed linen I struggle to get it how she did - beautifully ironed and perfectly folded. Good grief woman they’re going to get creased as soon as they are on the bed! They are NOT getting ironed in future unless I have someone to do it for me. Folded - yes. In the airing cupboard - yes. Ironed - no!

Thank you Peaches - our guardian angel! Much love Nigel xxx

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We have all had a weird day today, isn’t it strange how judges, courts are deciding how our future lies. The stress will be less for me when this is all done and dusted. It does look like my 3 grandchildren, daughter and daughter in law will be coming To Turkey with me in April, They are trying to book flights etc just now. I hope we can clear it out a lot quicker now and then relax fr a few days. It will be sad for me as I’ve 12 wonderful holidays there.

Nigel, I hope you are feeling a bit better, get yourself a hot toddy down you, early night and keep cosy.

I’m actually exhausted just now, no energy left, not sure if it’s my Lupus flaring or I’ve just overdid it today. Everyone away home now, back alone again. We got the wall in kitchen finished, I cut my finger quite badly, bleeding stopped now, heated some soup up and had a plate of chips, very healthy. I wakened up at 5am, went swimming with grandchildren, well I don’t mean I went in the pool, I went for a Tea and then watched them, but it was so warm where I was sitting I nearly nodded off. My son-in-law posted a few more tools on Facebook marketplace, someone coming on Tuesday for the log splitter, I thought that would sell quickly as there must be tons of trees down with the storm. I’m starting to feel sad and guilty getting rid of his precious tools, it’s as f I’m getting him out of life bit by bit. I will be a mess when I close our holiday home in April, this will be saddest thing I will ever have to do.
I am hoping everyone has a better day than today has been for most of us, let’s all stay healthy and positive. Tomorrow, bring it on!
Sending hugs as I think we all need them today. :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:


Well it went OK. tasted great too. Chicken Parmigiana - Breaded chicken steaks, with herb and Parmesan crumb on mozzarella and Passata topping, with boiled baby potatoes (did too many - how many am I feeding!), green beans and button mushrooms in a white truffle oil, garlic, and chilli mix. And freshly baked French bread (I cheated and used part bake) and butter. Glass of Nosecco as well (non alcoholic Prosecco). Now feeling suitably stuffed. Could do with a run round the block but not in this horrible weather!

Easy as pie to make and cook too!

Love to all of you - Nigel xxx


43 weeks for me. It’s a long haul guys.

Some days staying at home and doing nothing but sitting and thinking it’s all that matters. It’s not a day wasted it’s a day when you chose to embrace the grieving process in that way.

It’s nice to hear that people have enjoyed the music. Being a music teacher that’s what I express myself through. And although not all of the genre, maybe what we like. I hope they have some meaning for you too.

Try these;

Katy xxx

I quite agree to not ironing sheets. My problem is sleeping in half of a double bed. Half of double sheets not used half of duvet cover not if there was a way to use single. Sizes it would save water electricity and effort putting double duvet on. When only half gets dirty. What do others do.


Yewtree, turn the quilt over, as that means both sides get used, and rotate the fitted sheet, or just rotate the mattress, That way you get double use and less washing to do!

The other option would be to sleep on the ‘wrong’ side of the bed - but I couldn’t do that!

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Today has not been a good day it is my husband’s birthday. My son grandson and I went out for a nice meal. Didn’t quite work John wasn’t there and coming back to an empty house full of nostalgia didn’t help. I’m alone again not wanting to clean or tidy house. I hope most of you are managing better than I am. Truth is nothing has changed since John died in October. There is no going forward for me. Xxx

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I have tried turning over the duvet but that means still only using half of duvet to cover me. Maybe I should just buy a single mattress and lie it on top of existing double one.:smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Yewtree we are all still in the early stages. I lost my husband in October too. I don’t think I even believe what has happened yet. I know what happened but I can’t believe it. I assume it will come in time. Don’t put pressure on yourself. It will take as long as it takes.


Yewtree. Are you turning the whole duvet, or just folding it? When I turn it over, the part that was uppermost, on the side Mary would have been, now becomes the lower part, over me, and the part that was over me is then the upper side on Mary’s side.

I’ve not got to face Mary’s birthday until September (the day of the 9/11 Twin Towers disaster) but I can imagine how difficult it will be even then, let alone so soon as it is for you. I’ve done absolutely nothing except move a few papers around, and cook dinner today. It was a bad day for me, and I’m also struggling to tidy, dust or vacuum the house. In truth, no I’m not managing better than you. We’re still in early days - I was bawling this morning, but am lucky that I have a daughter living next door, who phoned to see if I was OK and to cadge a couple of beef stock cubes! She was my salvation today! Baby steps, one at a time, will eventually get to where you want to be.

Much love, wishing you a better time ahead. Nigel xxx

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Peaches I just realised that you might have thought I was saying 'good grief woman … ’ to you! I was saying that about Mary. So sorry if it came across wrongly!

Read twice - post once!

Nigel xxx

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I didn’t think about folding duvet. Will it not be too hot ? I turn the whole thing so what was on me ends up on the other side of the bed. The cover I lie on gets washed every week , but I struggle trying to take the duvet cover off and replace it. So I try to make it last as long as I can . I guess I’m still not wanting to do anything that involves hard work. Best wishes to all. Xx


No I don’t fold the duvet, just do what you already seem to be doing as that’s what I was suggesting.

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Absolutely Katy they all touched me in different ways but all were lovely, as a music teacher you will know how music can affect people , I shed a few tears listening to them xxx

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Thank you Nigel. I thought of putting duvet cover over me then just laying duvet with no cover on top but I suppose that wouldn’t work either. Maybe I should just buy a single bed. And sell this one but it’s a lovely antique brass bed which still has a horsehair mattress underneath the normal one. Xx


I do Nigel I sleep all over the bed, very restless these days and one night I even fell out of the bed, hitting my head on the metal handle of the bedside drawer, was rather a painfully rude awakening, never fallen out of bed before xxx
My son said I have to sleep in the middle to avoid falling out again, no point I wouldn’t stay there anyway !


Peaches its good to see you back on top form, putting the world to rights and full of positivity,I love reading your posts xxx


So sorry Georgi - I had to laugh at that - hope you weren’t hurt too badly? I stay put although I turn over many times. In fact I’ve got piles of the bed linen on the other side so I’d have difficulty using that ‘wrong’side. Nigel xxx

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Yewtree I think you might regret selling your lovely bed. I slept in a single bed on Friday night as I had my grandson for a sleepover, no room for the travel cot in my bedroom, and I hate it, was glad to get back to my double bed last night xxx


Don’t be sorry Nigel it would’ve been comical too see, ever felt like a fool :rofl:
Your meal looks delicious and boy that was quite a plateful, must admit I don’t like small portions, probably why I’m putting back on all the the weight I lost after my husband passed but I really need to cut back I quite liked being back to a size 10 :tired_face: