7 pairs of scissors in the kitchen and at least another 7 in the sewing room and more in the shower room and bathroom too. Plus similar numbers in France I’d think! Hm - how many actually still cut anything? Must be 75 pens and pencils!
Lizzy, I’m going to be selling Mary’s sewing machines and all her huge quantity of parts she had for them. If it fitted her machines, she’d have one (or two) - Mrs Gadget! It’ll be hard but it has to happen. And I do, and still will use a butter knife when w - I - have guests. Good luck with the painting. If it’s not shown online that maybe because it’s not known about. So make sure you check. I’ve a couple of things like that. One by a fairly famous artist, which isn’t mentioned anywhere and one by another who I’m trying to find out about. Most of the art in my house are done by my dad - quite a well known artist in East Anglia and Sussex. He taught Vera Lynn to paint!
Debsie, we always labelled everything we put in the freezer, and logged it on a shopping app. I need to update the list as it’s not been updated since November but it does help to know what’s there!
Kt, Mary felt the GP must be saying “oh no, here comes that woman again” she was there so often. But she was actually thought of quite highly and the GP was most complementary to me about how much he liked her. He said the same about her to my daughter as well. So don’t worry about what you feel, it’s probably just you thinking that.
Now come on Kt - I’m married to Mrs Gadget! I’ve a soup maker in both houses, two air fryers in each, two Instant Pots in each, Kenwood mixers with attachments in both, and enough herbs and spices to start a shop as well. I REALLY don’t need any more gadgets - just to learn how to actually use them!
Thanks for the info about the Mozzarella - I’ll do that next time. In France I have to not only label everything in the freezer, but use vacuum bags on everything before coming home. That’s in case the power goes off and I lose the lot. I don’t want any more freezers to have to clean out!
Thank you all for your encouragement about grave visiting. It was really helpful and I will change things based on what you’ve said - this week. In fact today!
Much love to you all. Nigel xxx