Georgi, I’m taking your good advice today, one small door to paint and that’s me done for today. Might just clean kitchen floor and move my table into it. Need to measure room to see how much paper I need. Then I’m definitely finished for today.
Note to self - don’t look for trouble. Cleaning the bathroom and I thought I would take the loo seat off to clean under it, I have never removed it since we had it fitted. I can’t work out how it comes. off. Toilet is built in so you can’t get underneath the fitting - I thought that the buttons should press in to release it like my other loo but no it won’t move a single millimetre. It times like this that you feel so helpless. Son is popping by later to see if he can force it. I’m not even convinve that is what you need to do. Why did I decide to clean it? But if I can get it moving I will remove it regularly in future to stop it sticking.
Oh thats no good Lizzy your mind is overactive you need to take a step back and rest, trying to get everything done at once is no good for any of us , I’ve only one time done an all nighter and like you, I too read but it was hell that day you just feel drained, but good news is I slept good the following night if I remember rightly !
Take care, Rome wasn’t built in a day and especially not at our age xxx
Debsie its jobs like that which make you so annoyed you started it in the first place, removing a toilet seat to clean it, how hard can that be, an hour later your wishing you hadn’t bothered !
Hopefully your son will figure it out, if not just clean as best you can xxx
Oh me what a woman, sit down and rest xxx
Lizzy I had my grandson this morning for 3 hrs then his mum came and we chatted for another 2 hrs. I’m now chilling on the sofa after tidying away all the toys, and watching Deal or No Deal, Im hooked on that program !!
Today, I will have the last Affidavit signed and plan to run to the courthouse across the river ( The Mighty Mississippi) to file, then to the home improvement store for a new kitchen faucet. There are about 600 selections from which to choose. Why? They range from $75 to $700. A $700 faucet? What?
Please cross all fingers and toes.
What are “neeps” and “Penguins”?
Nigel, I would not bother with “mine/ours/hers” with all of Mary’s belongings. Call these things “mine”, listing this stuff in categories is too trifling. I hope the car sale goes smoothly. Make your list and leave the Talisker in the bottle.
Debsie, 8 hours of sleep! I know that must feel great! I never “want” to go anywhere, but usually go anyway and never regret it. Go, the empty house and sadness will still be there whether you go or not. The difference is that you may enjoy being out more than in. You already know what “in” is like.
Lizzy, an all nighter won’t hurt you - proven fact to which we can all attest. Plus, you read a whole book and I hope it was an enjoyable story. Bye log splitter, hello leaky radiator. It’s the ChaCha dance of life.
My anxiety is off the charts. Witnesses, courthouse, home store, dentist, CPA and Dog College all in 2 days. So many days of nothing, then it all stacks up into a frenzy of activity.
Totally embarrassed to have anyone come inside as the foyer is crammed with “things that have to go”.
After signing and before courthouse, I will run my car through a wash.
Nervous. Tummy churning. Tight chest. Too much to do and not enough hours in which to do it at my present pace of s l o w.
Wish me a bucket of luck.
Awe wish you all the luck in the world and will have everything crossed for you Peaches you deserve a bit of good news xxx
Neeps are the Scottish word for turnip think the equivalent in England are swedes, no idea what you call them in USA! Penguins are chocolate biscuits !
Peaches, ‘neeps’ are mashed swede (the big orange vegetable things that are also called turnips in places I think). Penguin’s are chocolate coated biscuits and is a trade name for the best known ones here.
The problem with not identifying who owns what is that there are debts to pay (personal loan and credit cards) which I’m not responsible for - the estate is. I don’t want more in the estate than there actually is as otherwise I’d end up selling things that don’t belong to the estate to pay the debts. If there isn’t enough in the estate to cover the debts (including the priority debts such as funeral costs and my administration costs, they get effectively written off. If I were to include some things that I owned, for example the phone Mary used, I’d just have to sell it and give the money to the bank. But I can’t really say that Mary’s clothes and shoes belonged to me! Even some things she paid for are owned jointly, which I can’t be forced to sell.
Still having trouble with the car sale as the dealer is supposed to have contacted me by now.
Oh, my house looks like a warehouse - every room except my lounge is in a state of upheaval! And I’ve Mary’s Franciscan friend calling tomorrow - at last a rich widow Peaches - but I’ll bet she doesn’t bring a casserole, more likely I’ll end up making her lunch.
Totally wishing you the best of luck - I’m sure it must be so nerve-racking.
Go Peaches - go!
Much love. Nigel xxx
Apparently Americans call a swede (or a yellow turnip) a rutabaga!
Now that is a weird name for sure !
Comes from a Swedish word ( rotabagge) meaning ‘root bag’.
Georgi, I am so sorry, I didn’t do what you suggested. I did sit down but couldn’t relax, I cleared the back room of all the junk, then started taking the top layer of paper off the wall. This room really needs a plasterer in but my budget won’t allow it. I got it all off only to find a bit of damp and mould at the skirting board. I’m wondering if the damp is from the storm, that wall gets the worst weather battering against it. I knew I was going to have to sand the really bad bits down, but I have bought a finishing plaster, filler for holes where the tv was on the wall, a damp seal paint before I paper. It’s going to be a nightmare to do. Heating up high in the room just now. Will steam the rest of paper off tomorrow. It’s a small room but has the sofa bed in it.
Debsie, I know how you feel, why do they make things so complicated. I can’t figure how to get the tv off the wall, it surely can’t be that hard, I thought it was just a case of lifting it up and off it comes. The one we have in Turkey does that, I’m going to do a bit of googling , I need to fill all the holes in. It’s not going back up although no Idea where I will put it.
I stood on a blob of paint today and just walked all over my kitchen floor, how stupid. I feel like I should carry on and do more scraping, I hate this room, I need to see how bad the walls are.
Just listening to the depressing news tonight saying how we are all living longer, how do they know these figures? What a load of rubbish.
Peaches, wishing you buckets of luck for today, I’m sure you will smash it. Your courts must be up to date, ours would take months. My documents are taking 10 weeks for the first part to go to court, then once I sign it, it will take approx 6/8 weeks for completion. Best wishes xxx
Lizzy I can understand that it’s difficult to relax when you know you have things that need doing. I’m the same sometimes but sometimes I put things off for weeks! I know you don’t have that option as you want it done so that you can put the house on the market as soon as you know that everything else is sorted and you are good to go!
Be an early night for you tonight I think! Take care, I’ve said before if I lived nearer I would definitely come and help you xxx
Geez time is running away from me I thought it was only 6.35but it’s 7.35!!!
Georgi, I’ve finally sat down, relaxing, picked my wallpaper, it won’t come till next week but I have loads of prep to do first. I get too depressed when I sit down and do nothing or not getting out. I do worry that I’m burning myself out. Even with the start I’ve made in the man cave, I can’t see any difference. Maybe tomorrow I will sweep up more sawdust and fill my car up with wood and take it to the dump. If my husbands friend was talking to me I’d give him it to burn, but it needs cut and I’m not doing it. So dump is getting it. Thank you for offering to come and help me though, it’s very much appreciated. Pity we weren’t closer, would be lovely to meet for a coffee. Xxx
After losing Richard in July, I went into a frenzy of sorting,clearing, cleaning. I felt guilty if I rested. I didn’t know how to stop. If I did I cried. I have had a slower few weeks. I will be starting some decorating next month. All the tools are ready, paint and paper bought. I will need to pace myself. I am dreading starting it. I have to do it. This cold spell of weather has made me feel quite depressed. I really need to gather myself and find some positivity. He isn’t coming back, no matter how desperately I want him too. My future looks very different, I best try and make something of it. Take care
It sure would Lizzy maybe one day xxx
Mbg Its certainly not easy and I think we will always grieve for them x Everyone seems to be doing big clear outs and Ive not done that, I wonder I am either weird or lazy ! I might change that when the weather gets better because my hallway really does need painting , just emulsion but been putting it off even before my husband passed, mainly cause I don’t like painting, but I do like papering ! But really it has 9 doors so not a lot to paint, its taking pictures down and prepping that needs done too, oh well I just need to bite the bullet and get it done in the spring ! Like how I put that last bit in lol not starting yet !
Take care, yes we all have to accept that they’re not coming back and this is our lot now, as hard as that is, and Im further along this road then most on here but I don’t feel Ive moved very far most days xxx
Mbg, it’s so hard, I feel if I stop I will go into a deep depression. I went manically cleaning and clearing at the beginning. I now have a goal, I need to move home to be nearer friends and family. I will never forget the wonderful time I’ve had here with my husband but he is gone and now I hate this house and this town, I’m desperate to move so I need to keep clearing and getting the house ready to sell. Gosh it might be Christmas at the rate everything it’s going, but I will be ready. I’m actually enjoying being busy, it’s something to get up for every day, I still have loads to do, I can’t imagine ever getting to that point that I’m ready to move, but I can dream. Take care sending hugs