Well done Lizzy what a good idea xxx
Lizzy, yes although I knew it was not so good - but probably lost £100 on the offer I got as I’d already told them it needed renewing! Had a good night out with Mary’s cousin. Talked about so many things, including the loss he felt when his ex wife passed away 10 years ago - aged 50. I guess I’d feel the same if my ex died, and Mary would have done if the girls father had died before her. Hopefully we will all get a good sleep tonight. Nigel xxx
Real pain Georgi. Luckily I was about to put the dash cam back in and realised the door wouldn’t open - before the local car spares place closed, so I could get it tonight to do in the morning! Trials and tribulations! Sleep well. Nigel xxx
Littleburty, that is just awful. I hope they can do something speedily to try to stop any worsening. A good friend of ours, another of Mary’s choir, had breast cancer a couple of years ago. She had a mastectomy and thankfully she seems to be OK now. Obviously always an ongoing worry, but gets regular checks now. I can’t begin to think how difficult it would be for a woman to have such an operation.
Much love and prayers - from me and Mary. xxx
Nigel, It’s good to talk especially to someone who understands what you are going through, glad you had a nice time. Even if you lose £100 you will be glad to get rid of it, another problem off your list.
I’ve been sitting googling these two small tables that were in my husbands family, I found two very similar online. I think I will email an antique dealer now that I have an idea what they are worth. They are not my style and wouldn’t go with my furniture. I used to sit a Halloween caldron that had steam coming from it when I had a family party. It also has little specs of paint on it. After I’ve seen what it could be worth, I will be gently cleaning it carefully tomorrow. My daughter was going to put it on marketplace for £40, then she showed me to check it on this google app, you take a picture of it and it magically shows other tables like it and what they are selling for. The things you learn, it’s amazing. What would I do without google? Hope we all have a good sleep, I will be dreaming about tables tonight. xxx
Thank you - She lives in Switzerland and they seem so much better and quicker ,although they pay for there healthcare , she only found it end Dec and shes had various scans, biopsies etc and starts chemotherapy next week , and then has to have mastectomy then radiotherapy. Shes also got to freeze eggs . Its stopped me feeling sorry for myself a bit. Her dad woud have beeen so upset i dont know how he would have coped . Life is so unfair isnt it
I have two friends that have just finished their treatment for breast cancer, they are doing well. Your stepdaughter is young, she will fight this, the treatment is a lot better than it was a few years ago. Also the wigs now are great. One friend had the cold cap on, she did keep her hair but it was very thin, I would have gone for the wig. I loved my wig when I lost my hair.
Life just keeps throwing things at us, I wonder when we will get a break from all these worries. It must happen at some point. Take care, xxx
No, I haven’t sorted out the Ebay sink. Haven’t the time today. But, I did provide the CPA with all the information he needed after I hacked into my husband’s computer!
I had no idea how many checking accounts he had. Seven.
So, this week I’ve filed the succession at the courthouse and finished with the CPA.
Tonight is the first lesson in Dog College. We are so excited!
Friday, Saturday and Sunday will be spent putting this house in order again.
Monday is a new world. Looking forward to it.
Nigel, sorry about the battery. It’s just a blip on the screen. That is how I have to think of setbacks like damaged sinks and the dead battery in my husband’s SUV. If I lose money on the sink, I will survive and I will figure out how to get the SUV to the shop.
For now, I am going to relax in the knowledge that all the big things are taken care of and the rest will follow suit but much easier.
Love to all. Yes, the paperwork does get completed. Nice to know, right?
Yes Lizzy - my family get saddened every time they see it still on the drive. Problem will be that they will be sad NOT seeing it on the drive too! Love the sound of that app but have I got anything valuable? Maybe! The only tables I’ll be dreaming of will be spreadsheet tables!
Peaches - I hope the dog classes go well and the Beast learns a thing or two! yes the battery is one of those things - I’d rather have the car gone than anything else. I can then tick off the reimbursement of the funeral costs - mind you I’ve got 10 things on my ‘Peaches’ list! Selling the car will take 2 off there. So pleased your paperwork is done.
Have a good evening, and get the beast trained. Nigel xxx
Thank you Lizzy
I agree with Nigel, it’s too much lifting in the wrong way. Bend your knees and keep your torso straight as my physiotherapist mother would say.
Of course it could be down to not actually having the right amount of sleep. I’ve had troubles with my back since 1989 and when I get a bad nights sleep it really hurts.
Lizzie, you are so brave. I think I would’ve been scared to sleep in the bed.
Angel, they do say don’t do anything for a year. And believe me I’ve been forced to move within a year and it has been the hardest of things and the financial side is still not sorted so I’ve had to move on with a really uncertain future. Your daughter is right The next year is about grieving and organising yourself.
Nigel, I feel sad every time someone takes away his favourite things, but I have to do it. Once it’s gone I’m fine again. I don’t think there are many valuable things in the house, my husband would love to browse round antique shops but not me, I hate ornaments, this house gets so dusty with the fire on, I’d be dusting all day. These wee tables were kind of hidden in the room I’m doing up and it was only then I looked at them more closely. Not my taste at all, in fact I think I told my husband to chop them up and burn them. Needless to say he didn’t do it. I still have to clear the loft out, dread to think of the junk that’s up there. Think it’s hot choc time and maybe go and read another boring book. Take care xxx
Ktg, I just could not do it for 4 weeks, I cried every time I went into the bedroom. but strangely enough I found comfort when I did go into bed again, I haven’t washed his pillowslip which is silly, it’s not as if I can smell anything as I lost my sense of smell a while ago. It just gives me comfort that it was the last thing he lay on. Xxx
I’ll tell you this little Burty
I have never ever experienced the quality of care that I’ve just had with breast cancer.
From finding it to whipping it out was just five weeks. I’m so sorry to hear it stage three - what grade is it?
I’m guessing as it stage three, she’s going to have a mastectomy. My landlady who had breast cancer 15 years ago directed me towards the following videos which I found exceptionally helpful. They explain things very clearly. I wonder if they might help your stepdaughter to understand better.
This lady was a breast cancer surgeon and then got breast cancer. I found the videos excellent.
I’m lucky mine is stage one, but it’s a lot to cope with on top of the grief that’s already happening As it will be for both you and her.
Sending love xxx
You’ve all written so much that it takes ages to catch up! So I wrote my last comment before I realise that you’d already talked about the cancer treatment.
Already mad so not much room to get madder.
Peaches, You inspire me, I’m so pleased that your paperwork is completed, everything starting to move on again. I hope the beast is going to behave at his lessons. Look forward to hearing how it goes.
At the moment I feel like I’m in one of those dreams that you are running but not getting anywhere. Everything going in slow motion for me but hopefully my paperwork will be concluded soon. It must be a great feeling, I’m happy for you.
Onwards and upwards
Oh boy thats very true, life is really unfair sometimes xx
Peaches the big things are more important and you’re entitled to feel pleased about that ! Enjoy your dog training xxx