Two weeks of widowhood.

Yes Georgi - however, I texted the guy who was picking it up and we’ve arranged it for Tuesday. It could have been today but would have messed up my plans as he’s running a bit late. He’s got a mobile jump starter kit, and I’ll just give them the battery as a gesture of goodwill. So hopefully everything will be OK then.


Nigel, how exciting to see The Who in concert! I don’t know Level 42. It is something to look forward to and is 2 months away! Good on you!

Here’s a trick. Turn the bottle upside down when you take the med. Next day, turn it right side up when you take the med. If it is a blister pack, put the blisters on the upside of the bottles. When they are gone, you’ve taken them.

You can thank me later. :sunglasses:

Oh no, sorry about the battery. Call the guy, tell him you will not be home until 2pm, go get the battery changed. BS on this I’ll call you an hour before I arrive, like you are supposed to spend your whole day waiting on him. You have something her wants. You have the upper hand.

Right, you can’t raise the price of the car over the new battery, it was advertised as a working vehicle.

It’s 5:55am, another all nighter. Brain is shooting sparks.

Debsie, I am so sorry that your tummy hurts. Where exactly? Appendicitis will be lower right abdomen and you will scream if you press hard and deep on the pain spot and let go quickly. If so, go to the go to the Emergency Room. Running a fever?

Did you recently snack on some nuts, seeds or popcorn? These foods can irritate, or even enter, into the diverticuli, causing swelling and awful, stabbing pain. As a ex-sufferer of diverticulitis I highly recommend pre and pro biotics with live bacteria for your future reference. Pro-biotics are not fiber. It is the good bacteria that is needed to restore gut health. Your good bacteria is depleted and the bad bacteria has taken over.

If the pain encircles your tummy down to the groin, like a square with a tail , it is colitis and you need to go to the ER. You’ll need morphine.

The dog keeps me moving and knows the difference between normal bumps in the night and “someone’s on the street”. I feel safer with him, his hearing is better than mine.

Georgi, I agree on the pro-biotics. It is a must have.

Going to watch the morning news.

Have a better day to all of us. Maybe even a good one if we count our blessings rather than our grievances. I am going to try that now.


Debsie colonoscopies are not pleasant at all and yes taking the Picolax beforehand is bloody brutal! I was due a colonoscopy after a bowel screening picked up blood, on the day my husband died, obviously I cancelled but had gone through the Picolax scenario the day before with all my family sat in the bedroom with my husband, I should have cancelled it before that but Im a stickler for going to appointments, that time I was wrong I should have cancelled before I did !

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Another problem solved, all good xxx

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Certainly worked for me Peaches xxx

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Georgi I hope you have had the colonoscopy now. I was so relieved that they gave me the option for a sedative. They tried to get me to try it without but I really didn’t fancy it and not being able to drive for a while after was no hardship. I don’t remember a thing. After having bad stomachs all of my life I felt convinced that there would be some problem to explain it but I was A ok. Not even a polyp. Quite a relief as I was as certain it would be my undoing as much as my husband was certain his would be his weak chest. He always has to be proved right.

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Debsie, I had a bit of a nightmare with a colonoscopy, they didn’t put the cannula in properly and it missed the vein but still went into my arm, they re-did it again, I don’t have good veins. I woke up screaming for them to stop, it was so painful, they kept upping my sedation, three times this happened. I’m glad they finished it as I would never have gone back again. My husband was so worried that I was taking forever. I slept for three hours, they couldn’t wake me up and wouldn’t let me out till I had eaten something. Well the postman rang my doorbell today, the last time he did that was a recorded letter from the bitch claiming on the Estate, My nerves were shattered as he asked me to sign for a letter. My stomach was churning. I couldn’t believe it, it was from the lottery lol, my husband had £3 in his account and it was a cheque for that amount. Wish it had a few more naughts on it but I was relieved. Door rang again and it was my paint, another disaster, I really need to pay attention, it was a 250ml tin, it wouldn’t even do the skirting boards never mind the walls. I had it in my mind that it was a 2.5 litre tin. Another day wasted and my finishing plaster didn’t come, driver said he gets up and all the deliveries are in his garden in the morning and I only had the one. I’m glad it wasn’t wallpaper I had ordered it would be soaked if that’s what they do. Well I will start and give the skirting a coat from my tiny tin. xxx


Lizzie - I did laugh about the signed for letter - I had the same yesterday - £8.00 from the National lottery! Why they send a cheque, let alone signed for, I don’t know. Haven’t they hear d of a bank transfer anyway?


Peaches - So sorry about your all-nighter, it’s a right pain, and leaves you so drained the next day! And yes I’m really looking forward to that, we had tickets before but it was cancelled due to covid. So this is the first time I’ll have seen them live. Level 42 are a UK band form the 80’s and 90’s, jazz-funk genre. Never seen them live either.

I’ve got my meds in plastic pill boxes, but I could turn that upside down when I’ve taken them - except that if it was upside down the next morning I might think I’ve taken them for that day too! The idea of the boxes is that each day’s tablets are in a named compartment, so normally it works OK, except today!

My problem re the battery is I can’t take the car anywhere to get the battery fitted - as it won’t start. I was OK about the advance call, as it was going to be in the morning, but London traffic can delay things by hours, so we can never really tell how long the drive will be. But we’re sorted for Tuesday around 9.00am now, so that should mean everything goes to plan then.

I sold it working but told them the battery wasn’t very good, but yes, I couldn’t give them one with a completely useless battery - just not fair.

Oh Lizzy - I’m glad that didn’t happen to me. I have very good veins. So good they get all the students to practise on me. Of coures they always ask but how can you say no. The paint is so funny. Who hasn’t had that happen to them. My friend ordered something that happened to be for a dolls house. Maybe its a good thing - it will make sure you don’t do too much and tire yourself out.


I used to set all my husbands pills out in his little box. In the evening he had a half of this tiniest pill plus his statin and I used to put them in a seperate pot for later. To save me the hassle I chopped several pills up in half because they were so fiddly and put them in a different pot ready to use. You guessed it the idiot took the whole pot of the half pills and not the post with the great big huge 80mg statin and the one half of pill. Ended up going to A&E to check he wasn’t in danger. We had to wait 2 hours to be seen so just as well he wasn’t. I still cannot work out how he didn’t realise. That pill box was the first thing I threw. All that effort to make sure he took his pills so he could have a long and healthy life all for nothing. I was so bitter about that.

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Peaches thanks for your concern but my tummy has played up all my life. I remember going to A&E when I was 15 with suspected appendicitis. They sent me home and told me to take 2 paracetamol. I had several bouts of it that year but never bothered going back to them. I will give these things that Georgi recommended a go. I would say it can’t hurt but maybe it will. I hope you get a nap later. Its awful when your brain won’t turn off. I have started a new thing to help me sleep. I imagine I’m in a nice warm sea, and that I am swimming. Its odd as I hate water on my face and can barely swim but for some reason in my imagination I love it. The fantasy is definitely better then the reality for me. Maybe one day I will be in a tropical paradise and find myself able to swim. You never know what the future will hold.


Nigel, you turn the bottles upside down when you take the med. The next day you turn them right side up to show which you have taken and just repeat the process.

The courthouse called, I need to file one more document. Monday, I am so tired I just can’t do it today. Slept on the sofa and woke crooked as a dog’s hind leg.

Slight delay, I don’t care. Blip on the screen.

I quite enjoyed my colonoscopy as I was given propofol which made me not care one bit about anything. I asked if I could stay under its influence longer. Best rest I ever had. The prep was a painful nightmare which kept me up most of the night, but the propofol made it all okay!

This weekend is a break and I will just not worry for a second about anything.

All’s well. Much love.

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I’ve had some disasters with my medication recently.
I have discovered that I can only be trusted to take it there and then or put my phone on a snooze so the alarm happens again in the next 10 minutes because if I don’t take it then it doesn’t happen.
A couple of days, I forgot to take my morning medication which has to be taken half an hour after my thyroid medication.
I always put it all out in a pill box and have two weeks in advance.

My daughter is coming home this evening and I am very excited to see her. I do hope we’re not arguing within an hour.
I’m taking her out tomorrow to buy an 18th birthday present. I’m very sad to do that without my husband. There’s been a lot of talk about when she reached 18 Over the years it had been a joke that Neal would pay me a pound if she was taller than her brother on her 18th birthday.

I went to look at new kitchens yesterday. It was an astounding experience. We chose all the different things and then she did a mock up of it on the screen. I actually really enjoyed myself and then suddenly I was overcome by the thoughts that my husband would’ve loved it and it was only because of him that I was having it and he won’t be there to appreciate it.

Today I counted my blessings as two friends visited and kept my spirits up.

I’ve lost more weight by accident! Despite eating fish and chips and chocolate cream eggs. This is ridiculous because when I have tried to lose weight, it’s been impossible. I only ate these things to try and keep my weight up.

I’m looking forward to a busy weekend with my daughter. Which is great! Oh please don’t let her in a bad mood…


I’ve got an account they could have just put it in it. £3, honestly, you beat me on that one. I couldn’t even get a takeaway meal for that. He also has about £37 in the post code lottery. I check his emails every now and then and there was one saying he hasn’t played and has money in his account. That’s what made me hack in to see how much. I found a phone number, I might call them on Monday as they are ignoring my emails. Xxx


Ktg, sounds like you had a good day, I’m really pleased for you. It will be exciting getting a new kitchen. I hope you have a lovely time with your daughter, oh to be 18 again. Wish her a Happy Birthday from your new friends. :tada::clinking_glasses::birthday:


Ktg have a lovely weekend with your daughter. 18 is still a funny age. I have 3 sons and would have loved a daughter, all my sons are good boys though. My first granddaughter died just 2 hours old. Then 2 grandsons and 2 step grandsons later I thought I would never know a baby girl so was over the moon when I finally got one last year. After the loss of my first grandchild though the main focus is a happy and healthy child, but still nice to finally have a girl in the family. When your daughter gets her own family she will then really need her mum.


Stumpy 1
Don’t try to think to far ahead it’s a healing process that takes time. It’s only been four months since i lost my wife and that happened very quickly two months. The sorting of personal things will happen when you know its time . I’m sure friends won’t be thinking negative thoughts as your emotions are all over the place at the moment. I still go to some of her favourite coats to pick up her perfumes she used. Take care there’s always here to help.
The silver fox.

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Hi Debsie I did a couple of weeks later, not long to wait but I guess you can’t get a more genuine reason then losing your husband xx

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Good idea Peaches with meds xx

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