
I still have my gorgeous beautiful late wife sues ashes in the bedroom and i will scatter them when i,m ready and my family totally understand why


Self entitlement - taught from early age

Cartoons (1)


Lol … yeh youre funny :slight_smile: it really is entitlement isnt it ? And the illusion they have that they are better than everybody else ! Jeez … we werent brought up like that were we ? Xx


Deb5 definitely not brought up like that lol xx


:slightly_smiling_face: we had to deal with real problems back in those days


Neither were mine martyn but that’s how they have become as they have got older ;( so it must be a society thing … theyre so very important dont you know ! Never mind i lost rhe one person who was my world - as long as theyre alright jack !! X


God that just made me smile been a while how true tape deck Many time pencil an rewind like I said made smile thankyou


I never did have the faith but my wife fixed !

She would ask “Why me ? What have I done to deserve this ? “ ! No chaplain or priest could ever answer that !

If I ever hear “The lord works in mysterious ways “ or “God never gives us more than we can cope with “ I’m gonna slap someone


My partner wanted them spread on top of a
Cliff near home it’s a beautiful place and I go a lot. It’s not just about me though I have my grown up kids to consider…and we all have to come together to take them pref not on a windy day…


@Ilovehorses I scattered half of her ashes at favourite park and interred the other half

Took ages to scatter the ashes - I wanted to do it on a Saturday at 7:45pm - when she passed - but was always raining or windy or something
Finally found a reasonable evening, apart from it being pitch black at that time


Omg yes that saying the lord works in mysterious ways…I have a friend who is religious she has an answer for everything.
Do you believe there is anything at all ?
I really craved a sign or a
Vision. I had a couple of little things happen but they could have just been coincidental.


I’ve already taken some ashes for my ring and earrings and I felt guilty as he put in his will he wanted them all spread… My daughter wasn’t keen on me taking some for my jewellery… she is okay now though.
I’m glad you managed a special place.


It’s bullsh1t isn’t it !

I respect people’s faith beliefs and their rights (I spent 20 years working in ME & SEA and have met so many lovely Muslim people, so generous, kind and caring people! 99.99% are peace loving caring people

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@Ilovehorses I kept a small portion of ashes - put some in an urn bracelet - and left just enough in small urn by bed so she’s still there, symbolically

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@Martin2 sorry can you show me the picture again they are so cute

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Deb5.ditto x

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Here you go jol


I remember how they used to tangle up.

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Cat fan .so would i slap someone for saying that lol.told a jevohas witness to go away and talk to someone who is interested in there beliefs as i,m not bothered at all

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My wife and her sister were like chalk and cheese ! Her sister is the most entitled self opinionated bovine one the planet !

She said to my wife “You need to be more like me” …… my response to that was “You paying for the divorce then ??” My wife pi55ed herself laughing! She was the most beautiful person I have met ! I was so lucky to have her in my life for 25 years :two_hearts:

I just don’t understand how two siblings 2 years apart can be so different ! I’m not answering her sisters calls these days :joy::rofl: most people would get the hint by now ! :rofl::joy: