
Hi @Martyn2
I came across Chicago Fire recently when flipping through channels
I really like it
Take care


Galaxy75 its a fantastic series and 911 is as well. Plus 911 lone star and fire country as well

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Do you think it has ? Social media done it ? How do you mean ? I dunno what happened to them but they got an awful attitude these days … it all me, me me :frowning: it makes me so aad especially without my husband here :frowning:


Will check them out too
Have a good day


No problem

Deb5 definitely people think they are so entitled to everything.had someone yesterday have a go about me parking in a disabled place and didn’t like the the reply from my stepson dave and my daughter aderlaide.his answer was i didn’t look disabled but when I lifted my right trouser leg up and he saw the prosthetic leg he didn’t know where to look. Then demanded to look at my blue badge.the car park attendant made him leave the car park.he tries it on a regular basis because he is 65 years old and thinks he is entitled to everything


Weekends are bad just couldn’t get out of bed this morning wishing my husband was here with me in the end pushed myself now trying to plan what to do just to pass the time away when he was here every day I cherished but since he passed last May I feel as though grieve has also taken my life although I struggle most days to get through the day it’s definitely not the life I thought I’d end up with life is too short and I’m likecthis


Hi , I should be doing some housework or the garden or shopping , but really can’t be bothered , got no motivation , I have lost my mojo. I will watch the football later , and probably see my team get beat . X


Thankyou for your thoughts an advice weekend’s are not nice you go up to shop a couple a families .then there me few bits in trolley more dog food then what i got for my self just being alone is well we all no . No one to talk to talk to Tina photo. But no reply just lost try all have a good week end


Hi @Deb5 , I call it anti social media . I have never bothered with any of the sites ( only this one ) but hearing people talk about them , it seems they are all about , what they do or what they have .nothing social about them at all . X

People are just so rude arent they ? I wouldve told him where to go myself … no manners anymore is there ? X

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Just changed the fabric of society.
It’s all identity politics and need to belong and so easily brain washed

I guess it’s not a new phenomenon - you had the religious cults in the 80’s and cult mass suicides because some narcissistic cult leader told them to.
Difference is, it wasn’t so easy to get access to an audience then - social media, one influencer can create a single video on tik tok and get access to an audience of millions
Not quarantined anymore
And it’s just gone exponentially viral

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I know just what you mean … half the time there seems no point to anything does there ? I just been on phone to my poor mum in tears ! Jeez what a life ! Xx


My mum has just said that … she said theyre brainwashed … i also think theres a lack of morals now and of caring … they just care about themselves . Thats all … awful, awful world. I think my husband is best off out of it :frowning: xx


Thankyou it’s very windy today by the beach. Hope your grandson has a lovely birthday. I love having my grandson he makes me smile :slight_smile:

Yeah it’s easier to just stay in and watch TV - such an effort to do anything these days

She always used to force me to go to park or a drive to get out on weekends if we had nothing planned, always moaned about it, but always liked just going out with no specific purpose, just two of us, wherever wind took us


I still have my partners ashes in the bedroom with me…when the times right I will follow his wishes… I’m just not ready.
Sending hugs


You need to wait till you’re ready - there’s a finality to interring ashes
I’m glad I did it - it gave me a special place to go, but you have to be ready


Very windy down the beach but it does me good to breath fresh air :wink:


@MemoriesOfUs Yes I miss those drives in the car so much , just the being together, quality time with our partners, I remember one night he dashed in from work and told me to get in the car , of course I was moaning I had this and that to do , but I went , he wanted to show me the sunsetting . I always went on about wanting to see a beautiful sunset . He was such a special man , always wanting to make me happy . I miss him and the happiness he gave me so so much x