
Broken2222.its been just over a year since my gorgeous beautiful late wife sue took the next step of her journey. I can sympathise with you about being a scruff lol and not eating but my daughter and stepson dave plus family basically stood over me to make sure i ate especially being diabetic on insulin. Still have rough days where i still cry but I certainly found who my true friends are .don’t think I will ever get over this x


They say : grief is love with nowhere to go … xxx


Deb5 that is so true


@Martyn2 Im lucky I suppose , we didn’t have friends , so will never have to be disappointed in them . I have two fabulous adult kids . I keep a lot from them , in how I feel , I know they are grieving for their dad , I know how it feels to lose a parent when your only young , So I can’t put my grief onto them as well . So a true friend would I suppose of been good and helped me . Just as well this site is here. Yes don’t think any of us will get over it . We just learn to adjust and adapt to the grief in our life . They say grief is love , so I guess it will stay with us . Like the love we have for our partners . X


It certainly is :frowning: thats what they say it is anyway … well known. Its so bloody crap though isnt it … i hate this solitary life now though dont you ? I know i have my dog but its not same is it as another person to love. Feeling sad today and weekends are always hard arent they dont you find ? xx


I find weekend’s very hard to get through I am this weekend just feel exhausted and very weepy, sometimes I go to my son’s and stop a couple of days on a weekend but I’ve still got to come back to a quiet lonely house thank goodness winter’s nearly gone take care


My two daughters are both very thoughtful- both called me on Wednesday to check in on me! Youngest is near me so love to pick my grandson (7) up from school on a Thursday night and do pizza with him before taking him home! Off to Canada to see my eldest for 10 days in March !

Some friends have been great - our two best friends are superb but others not seen or heard of since the funeral ! They never ever reach out just say “you know where we are” expecting everyone to visit them …… Some relatives are just the same ! Times like these are quite enlightening aren’t they!


They know you’re all grieving together and hopefully make time for certain occasions to get together!

My mum has been gone 10 years in Jusy and we always met mor Mother’s Day and nd her birthday (October) to put some flowers on her memorial and then do a family dinner !

They all took the pi55 out of my flower arrangement skills ! :joy::rofl::two_hearts:


@Jennison1946 haha I think shitsu are renowned for it…


Same for me. I lost my husband suddenly at the end of September. I have struggled since but on Wednesday I cried all day. I feel like I am going backwards. I just feel so lost. He was my soulmate for 56 years :broken_heart:


You are fairly early days aren’t you ? Be patient with yourself - course youre upset. xx


I miss my wife terribly but 25 years together and 23 years married! Some days I feel I have done ok ! Other days I feel as though I’m sleepwalking through my life now ! After 56 years I can’t even begin to imagine how much you miss him


@Ilovehorses that was good for you . We could have done a video but my Andrew hated the way he looked so I couldn’t do that and I don’t think I could have coped either . We found the picture I think he would have liked and had a large one in the crematorium



We were so happy and in love . Its torture without him


Some lovely photos on here


Another couple of pictures


Last one tattoo of tina always here beside me next to my hart


The picc line :disappointed_relieved: I kept my partner’s covers in a special box.
Our landlord, at the time when she started chemo, his wife had died of cancer a few years earlier and he came round to see us and just burst into tears when he saw the picc line cover on her arm
One of the those moments that has just stuck with me


Cancer sucks that’s a polite way of saying it another week see what it throws at me all the best to everyone going to see if I can move tina things from down stairs bathroom .or just leave them x


@Martin2 what beautiful pictures of your partner, and the tattoo is amazing. Yes you are keeping her close to your heart . Very polite way of saying what cancer is , I’m sure we all could think of stronger words . I have the week of work , so I must try and motivate myself . It’s sunny here at the moment so I might tackle the garden . Yesterday I took to hacking a bush back . Think I got carried away . It’s almost baldy now . I’m deffo no gardener , but I try my best . If it feels to much moving Tina’s things from bathroom , leave them for another day . X