
Feeling really alone without him today … its just so hard isnt it without that person you loved … i never thought it was gonna be this hard you know :frowning: mind you i only had bloody 6 weeks to get my head around it :frowning: that my lovely husband wasnt gonna be here anymore :frowning:


Hi Deb5 your so right it is lonely without them and Im sorry for your loss I miss my husband so much we just had hours he was rushed to A&E couldn’t believe what we were told he wouldn’t last the day total shock and disbelief, but my eldest grandaughter has taken me out for lunch today which was nice to have company the minute I stepped through the door the the tears flooded as I always imagine he’ll be here when I get home


Thats nice. My family have been pathetic tbh … ok for a while but gets a bit boring after a while doesnt it being nice to mother !! Huh. Shame i didnt get bored with them when i was bringing them up isnt it !!just had enough of people today and their crap attitude tbh … x


You are so right I think that’s my daughters attitude I’m getting boring now and your so right they only want you when they need something my husband used to say that, our daughter doesn’t want to talk about her dad can’t cope with me crying but when she needs something I get a message how they change you take care


Hi @Deb5
Thought it was just me family who csnt bother to contact you.
I have only seen my daughter once in the 8 months (see stays 1hr away by car) and i went by train 3hrs.
Families :pensive:
Take care
Look after yourself
Ly ne :heartbeat:


Thanks @Galaxy75 good tonknow its not just me then . Im having a sad day today. They really are a disgrace this generation … they just dont care do they ? Its all about them :frowning: xx

My daughter lives 11 doors from me she pops to pick dog up when she leaves work doesn’t come in even when her dad was here she never popped for a cup of tea but we got invited for tea once a week, when I was young I was at my mum’s all the time as you say this generation know feeling’s at all family doesn’t really matter


Nope they dont seem to care about the family unit anymore do they ? Just out for themselves. My kids dont live that near me but i might as well be on other side of the world ! I don’t think they would notice ! Whats wrong with picking up phone or texting to see how you are ? Oh no my kids cant even be bothered to do that ! Im gonna disinherit them ! Let em carry on like this and my house will go to charity not them ! And i mean it too … sorry … sad as i said today, missing my husband who would defo have something to say about their behaviour i know ! X


Hi @Deb5
I know he would be do upset if he knew how she was behaving. I know people have there own lives to live and i dont want them to call all the time. But a text or phone call ever once im a while would be nice. If people can call me from Australia and France even due to time differences.
Im missing out on grandchildren have not heard from them either aged 16 and 15.
My moto be kind to each other one day you dont know when they will need our help.
Lynne :heart:


Deb5 its unbelievable the way your kids are treating daughter aderlaide is a big help to other two kids couldn’t care less about me .so i know how i stand with Gareth and andromida .its there loss .my daughter dave my stepson and sues family get everything when something happens to me x

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I know. I shout at them and tell them how bad their behaviour is but it dont seem to make any difference ! Seems to go in one ear and out the other ! My middle daughter text the other day and then she seems to have disappeared again ! Why ? Didnt have an argument … its so disrespectful. Im disiheriting them anyway ! If anything happens to me theyre not getting my house ! They can sod off with their behaviour !! :frowning: its just so nasty when you lost your husband ! They just dont care do they ? :frowning:


My daughter and I fell out just after my husband passed for 2 months it broke my heart made the grieving even harder thank goodness I had my son and daughter in law I stopped with them for 2 weeks the only trouble they live quite away from me, she showed know emotion what’s so ever over her dad she hasn’t grieved for him but I know it’s there waiting to come out I can see it but this could be with her job she is a children’s Mental Health nurse for the NHS and her job is very intense talking children out of suicide think this is one reason she can’t show emotion anymore and is the way she is with me


Thankyou for your words…
I pray we never have to face the pain and suffering that they did… Bravery is an understatement I guess you just fight with everything you have…
Cancer is evil I hate it!


Yeh its funny you say that. My eldest daughter works in a young persons prison and i think its made her hard and bitter ! She causes a lot of trouble and i was getting on fine with my middle daughter until she started stirring the pot ! Shes so angry and bitter - i think its cos shes split up with her boyfriend ! My 83 year old mum is still alive so at least i got her x


I wonder if grief does this to them ? They loved my husband but so did i … what they forget is that without me marrying him they wouldnt have had him as their dad ! Ironic isnt it !


Hi Helen, I know what you mean. Lost my dear hubby in August on our 25th wedding anniversary. Got though xmas, New Year harder but Valentine’s Day horrid, my exercise class decided to do all love songs so I cancelled my attendance and stayed at home feeling pretty low. Know it’s early days but seems to be getting harder. Hugs x


I love and miss my beautiful Elissa like crazy.
I guess I’m getting through day by day and the two hardest days for me were NY Eve and Valentine’s Day ! Especially NY !

My two daughters are awesome as is my lovely sister and I’m really proud of my girls and looking forward to seeing my eldest daughter and two grandchildren in Canada next month.

Both girls called to check in on me on Wednesday ! Guess they knew it would be hard !

With WhatsApp and FaceTime we have a real global village - no real reason to lose contact with anyone that we want in our lives!

We have to make the effort too but also pehaps we have to reevaluate the situation and see if there are people that really don’t fit in our lives anymore !


Too true
Making the most of what we have
My husband would not have wanted me to be sad unhappy.
I am lonely and miss him terribly but i carry on just wish i had family close to help with some things.
Life is short my husband did not get to pension age but he enjoyed life and was always happy and caring.


My wife just made it to 62 and her quality of life for the last 5 years has not been good !

I believe I genuinely have done my best to care for her and maker her happy and love her so much! If I regret one thing it’s leaving our bucket list too late and my. retirement too late ! Lessons learned and moving on ! :two_hearts::two_hearts:


Hi @Cat_fan
Too true he made it to 63 had taken early retirement in Feb 23 gone in Jun 23.
Every thing planned last year gone.
Now on my own finding it hard to do.
I will go trip to Belfast on my own as lots of things to visit during the day and nights i can just read or watch the world go by.
Later trip to Australia our daughter has lived there for 13 years. We both saw her last Feb 23 this year will be my 1st on my own.
Strange what a year on throws at us
Take care