
Thats really good that you are making te journey to Oz this year - I feel i have learned a lot about life in the least 5 years - especially about myself. I need to make a ew life now

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Take care
It will take time but hopefully we will learn to live again.
It is strange going from a couple to just one person after 37 years together. I Guess we just need fo find ourselves sonehow


I lost my gorgeous beautiful late wife sue last year on the 1st February. Already had to get a really close friend to tell two of our close friends to leave me alone as they were coming on to quick and i dont want anyone else.i had 22years together and I would never be able to have the closeness that me and sue had with anyone else


Exactly what I feel about cancer

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Hi @Martyn2
You are correct no one will ever replace my husband he was so kind loving easy going supportive (through my cancer treatment 3 years ago) and i loved him so much.
We had so many happy years together and he is always in my thoughts day and night.
We had 37 years together and i am glad we had that time together.
Now i just need to find things on my own which i like to do.


No question that cancer is evil - but you have some ray of hope that the available treatments will help !

For some there is no hope, only 100% certainty of death without anything but palliative care!
My wife said many times “ I wish I had cancer - at least I’d have a fighting chance, something to hope against “

Cancer is a really evil thing my poor husband battled it for three and a half years all though covid .


It’s a terrible disease - you don’t realize until you’ve witnessed it, just how terrible and destructive it is - takes everything from you until there’s nothing left to take.
And once it’s done, then you get the gift of end of life

Bravery is an understatement - you’d think there’d be some sort of justice after everything they endured :disappointed:


I guess it depends what type of cancer my poor mum had malignant melanoma no cure no hope… watching her suffer in the end was torture:(
What keeps me going is my children and grandson.


I totally agree that it’s evil , and that the treatments can be brutal too but there is a glimmer of hope for some !

Simnce my wife’s death I have have had two surgical procedures for removing malignant melanoma ! One was successful and waiting for news on the other !


I used to believe in god but what god would let them suffer that way…
I wish I could stop all the negative thoughts…
I used to be such a bubbly happy person now I feel like life has been sucked out of me.:frowning:


Truly terrible, cruel and unfair ! :frowning: x


I’m so sorry it’s so cruel haven’t to watch someone you love trying to stay alive and there loss of dignity…:frowning:


Unlike me, my wife had a faith and would ask “Why me god - what have i done to deserve this ?” … But its a lottery, an evil lottery for many with good honest caring god fearing people struck down … so wrong


But sadly as a friend of mine who was a nurse said … we are all gonna die one day and thats true. But its just sad for us to watch our most loved one go through it isnt it :frowning:


Its hard going through a cancer diagnosis and treatment but at least i had my husband to support me. Now i go through tests and scans on my own every 3 months for another 7 years. I am aware of reoccurrence but i am positive it wont happen.
Life is short look after yourselves
I intend to be here for as long as i can as my husband would wish me to fight and get through this hurdle.
I also volunteer with MacMillan and Target Ovarian cancer organisations and plan on helping on the upcoming marathons.


Some days i feel as though i am sleepwalking through my life
My daughters and my grandchildren and my sister are priceless and help me keep going.


Hope is another of cancer’s gifts - just to balance the physical pain with a dash of psychological pain for perfect recipe


Thats hard to face on your own - hope you have family & friends around
Volunteering is a great thing, i do a lot through Rotary but planning on seeing what I can do for Sue Ryder (Thorpe Hall), I cant put a price on what they have done for Elissa and I. Their lovely nurse has become a real friend even though retired and helps me keep my sh1t in together and my life in perspective.

I used to to believe that god had reasons for everything but now I don’t believe it anymore as why did he take our wives husbands partners if he had all the answers