
I’ve never been religious, but imo, if there is a god, he left the building a while ago

Yeah I know what you mean, it changes who you are.
Suppose its bound to - your world just becomes that much darker :disappointed:


Yeh i was same @Martyn2 i have no faith in anything anymore … sad innit x

Goodnight all - love to all, hope some of us get some sleep tonight xx


Goodnight …me too ! Had enough of today x


My mam died when she was 59 with cancer I was only 23 , my dad died with cancer when he was 82 , my husband died with cancer when he was 59 , do I have to live this lonely , horrible life , waiting till I’m 82 to also die of cancer . Cancer has took everyone away from me , who loved me unconditionally and looked after me . You could say cancer has always been a part of my life . Hating isn’t a strong enough word for what I feel about cancer .X


@Broken2222 that’s really harsh :pensive: So sorry :broken_heart:

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@MemoriesOfUs , thank you , my husband helped me so much with the loss of my parents , He was a diamond , The pain and devastation of lossing him was heartbreaking , He can’t help me with his loss :heavy_heart_exclamation:x

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I just wish that everyone could have a full body scan once a year. It seems that a lot of money is going into cancer which seems to help some people with new drugs and treatment but still one in two people will get cancer in their life time. My poor husband never stood a chance as died of undiagnosed kidney cancer. He had just turned 53 years old. Life is so unfair and cruel.


Totally agree with you . There must be more they can do , I know it would cost a lot to have these full scans yearly , but it would save lives and save us the bereaved from all this heartbreak and loneliness , I’m not very clever , but it might even be cost affected, I’m sure cancer treatment , hospital stays and all the other stuff must cost a lot as well . All these young people losing there lives , is so wrong . More lives saved , more people being able to continue to work , must help the economy, by them paying tax and national insurance. … When my husband was diagnosed with cancer , he quoted that one in two people get cancer , he said that he had got it so I didn’t have to . Bless him . Me being me said it doesn’t work like that . X

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Probably a lot of money too with treatment etc . You need to stand as an MP hazel. Lol … this government will be out at next election anyway - pretty sure about that ! X


@Martin2 what breed are they . They are beautiful

Hi German shepherd they are good with what’s going on they still look for tina round the house

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Morning everyone
Another day to get through…
I’ve booked my nails to be done today a nice walk with the dog and some downtime…
How is everyone feeling today?


I’m off to my grandson birthday party
But it will be very hard without Steve
Hope you enjoy your walk with the dog


Sat here feeling low don’t like this this was never me . Looking at pictures horrid thought right now

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Probably go to grave this afternoon, precious little otherwise

Another day in paradise


Social media has created this entitlement culture of today

God help us if there’s another world war - there’ll be protest rallies while the bombs are being dropped overhead


I think we all sit for so many hours thinking off those we have lost feeling very low .it’s very hard to push yourself to do things but people keep telling me I have to try
Thinking off you hope you get though your low time


Sorry you are feeling low. Weekends seem to be worse I find as people out doing stuff with their partner and I’m like you at home trying to plan what to do. This time of year not helping as I’m so much an outdoor person. I find doing a list of even basic things helps. Take care.


Just sat watching Chicago fire with Teddy n George snuggling up on the sofa with me .moods a bit low but ok

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