What do you do when you feel you’re not getting any support from anyone.

Fingers crossed xx


Indeed ! Thanks @RoseGarden xxxx


Fingers crossed for hood results xx


Thanks xxxx

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Everything crossed for you :crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers:x

I can match you on the allen keys! I’ve got loads but when i need one eg for tightening the legs on my dressing table stool i can’t find one the right size :thinking:

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Hi Debs

That’s great news she maybe getting back home. That will be good for her. Sadly, now the fight begins to get in place the care she needs and deserves. It’s a bloody complete hassle. Been there, done that etc. but it will be worth it to see her back in her own home. Everything crossed for best possible results tomorrow. Sending you love and positive vibes. Thinking of you at this tough time.


Hope your mum continues to
Improve - make sure you look after yourself too. Xxx

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Yeh they have sorted a care package ! My brother has done it ! It just needs putting into place now !! Yeh its a tough time when i lost my husband only 19 months ago ! I wish he was here to support me but hes not :frowning: ! Suppose ar least my brothers doing their bit ! Tbh i dont think i could do it ! X

I will. Thanks. Ive stepped away a bit because i was getting really stressed ! I cant believe what life has thrown at me after only losing my beautiful husband at 60 ! Its been a totally awful 19 months in every bloody way !! X

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Hi Debs
That’s great your Brothers stood up to the plate. More than mine did. My Mum was discharged with a full care package. Wot a bloody joke. Nobody turned up for the first 4 days! Luckily I was there and on the phone to them. But God love the poor wee ones who have no one in their corner
Take care


Really ? Well thanks for that heads up ! Better keep an eye out then ! Oh wow ! How disgusting ! The first 4 days is the most important bloody time they need help !! Yeh poor people who dont have family :frowning: Xx


Its almost 6 months since my husband passed away. I have 2 daughters who are grieving so i try not to burden them. I feel abandoned by most of my friends. There is only one who contacts me on a regular basis and i guess the others think that i should be getting over it. I really am trying to move forward but its so hard at times. Going to scatter ashes this weekend and would have been his birthday next month so not an easy time. Feels like i spend a lot of time alone


I cant offer much its only just over 6 weeks for me, but i know the lonilness. Sending you hugs.xxc

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I am so sorry.

I understand, I really do.

Sending a big hug.


Rose xx


Thats what its like @Anne18 people are so thoughtless ! Its a cruel world … whats that saying - laugh and the world laughs with you, cry and you cry alone - so true! All you can do is look after yourself and reach out to people who understand … xx


Hey @RoseGarden my mum is going home wednesday … so thats good ! Flipping consultanr never rang yesterday so had to ring ward ! Supposed to be ringing today ! n
Need to know before shes discharged !! Xx


Thats really good Deb i hope she is ok. Hospitals are a joke xxx


Hiya Debs

Great your Mam is getting to come home. Same old, same old from the hospital I’m afraid in my experience. I know they are working under pressure etc but there needs to be better communication as the families are also working under pressure. Most of us families are running around like headless chickens, sick with worry.


Hi @Deb5 ,

that is good news!

It actually does not surprise me that you had to ring the ward.

Do you know if a care package has actually been organised?

I am sure you are aware, but I’m going to mention it anyway​:wink::wink:, be prepared for having to chase up people over the care package. For instance, have the carers turned up.

Obviously, I have my fingers crossed that it all goes smoothly :crossed_fingers:t2::crossed_fingers:t2::crossed_fingers:t2:.

Big hugs.

Love to you and your mum xx