What do you do when you feel you’re not getting any support from anyone.

So glad your Mum’s coming home.
Good luck with the care package.
We were lucky they sorted it out very quickly. But I know it’s not always easily done.

Big hugs
Liz x x


Good morning @Anne18

I’m sorry you’re experiencing people that think we should ‘be over it’
We all know that is never going to happen.
The best we can hope for is learning to cope and yes, moving forward. But we’re not going to get over it, we’re not ill, we’re grieving.

Big hugs
Liz x x


I can relate to you. My partner (Darren) will have passed 6 months in August, his birthday is in August. I am trying to organise a get together on Sunday 18th August at a water park. It is a place that we used to take our children when they were younger and my oldest daughter got married there, my grandchildren also love it. My grandchildren (Eliza 7 and Hudson 2) are going to scatter ashes. A place that they can go where they can remember their grandad. I hope that many friends hoin us but I am worried that no one is going to show. At the funeral friends said they would stay in touch a handful have but others havent. I know that they are grieving, it would just be nice to send a message, thinking of you.


Yeh they really are ! They’re useless arent they ! Couldn’t organise a pi** up in a brewery half the time !! X


Oh well said xx


Yeh care package is sorted ! My brother did it !! Carers coming in 4 times a day. Taking her home tomorrow and im meeting her at her flat ! Shes so happy to be going home ! Yeh the consultant better ring today or i will go ballistic !! X


Yeh bad comminication , laziness i think half the bloody time ! Have you noticed they always seem to be on their screens ? I have ! What happened to good old fashioned caring and actually doing something practical !! X


Its really good that you can post on here and everyone totally understands. Thanks so much for your lovely comments. Friends are grieving too but it hasn’t changed their lives in the same way ours has changed. Lots of our friends are couples and that makes it so hard as i really don’t feel ready to join their events on my own. Littlewitch i hope many of your friends can join you on the 18th. Sending love and hugs. Take care everyone


I haven’t posted on here for a while, but I feel that I need to defend my profession. I am deeply sorry for anyone who feels that their relatives haven’t been given the care they should, but I can assure you that the vast majority of nurses and allied staff are dedicated and caring people. Far from being lazy we do our best to provide the care and compassion that we would like our own families to receive. When nurses
are sat at a computer they aren’t ordering their weekly shopping, they are using complicated systems which replaced case notes a long while ago. Most of us are trying our very best in difficult circumstances.


Hi you are not alone - I didn’t lose a partner I lost my mum at Christmas. I don’t have anyone around to support me and have find this community on here very supportive. I also lost my best friend at the beginning of last year
I have no one to talk to or listen to me I feel so alone most of the time.

But if you want to talk I will listen and so will others you are not alone on here please find comfort in that, I know what it like in everyday life to put on a brave face the only difference is none has ever asked me how I am or how I’m coping so I come on here.


Hi Mist, I have nothing but gratitude for the care my husband received from all the medical staff I encountered. From the paramedics that took over CPR right through to the Palliative Care staff three weeks later, and everyone in between.
During the early days and weeks we all seem to be looking for someone to blame, medical staff, God, The Universe, Ourselves.
Anyone will do.
But, I, for one, am full of admiration for anyone working in health and social care, not least because I couldn’t do it.
So, thank you. Xx

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Unfortunately it’s a lottery in regards to the care. My story is a total nightmare. I am not going to go into all the detail but some of the stories I could tell are horrific. Some are of praise for some of the doctors and nurses, but I assure you not all.


Fair enough ! But a lot of people have had really bad experiences ! I know theyre getting bit better and i dunno.if covid did it but the care my husband had was below par tbh so im a bit angry about that !
I used to work in NHS myself but when youre on the receiving end it can be a totally different experience ! Just remember families are also very stressed about the person they love the most in all the world …


I appreciate your reply, thank you for your kind words. We don’t look for thanks, we’re doing the job because we love it (or we should do). I do indeed know what it’s like to be stressed about dearly loved family members, I’ve been in that position myself , but it’s unfair to make sweeping statements. And on that note, I will now bow out from this site. It is a great source of support, and I have recommended it to patients and colleagues, but coming up to a year now since my husband’s death I am going to try to forge a way through the rest of my life. Starting with taking early partial retirement!
I wish all of you the very best.


Oh dear sorry you feel like that. I still think its a great source of support … i think we are all entitled to an opinion and we are shaped by what we have seen and experienced… Best wishes :slight_smile:


I agree … but obviously some dont !! Xx


In fairness, we can only base our opinions on what we ourselves have experienced. The NHS has changed a lot over the years and my experience has also been a bad one too. In fact the whole of the NHS needs a complete shake up in my opinion. It’s not fit for purpose and I apportion most of the blame to the government and management. We are on this site to discuss death and bereavement and our experiences and that’s about honesty communication with fear of offending people


Well flipping said @LynT it is sbout being honest ! And its not sn NHS site its a bereavment site as you say !! Im gonna PM ypu btw about something - unrelated :slight_smile: xx


Sadly 18 months on and life is similar to yours still a loneliness. I go to work go out with different groups of friends but don’t feel I belong . The dependable reassuring always there go to person is gone. I do talk to him and try to move on as best I can. Very difficult times must be harder with children at home I imagine. I can have days where I cry I would think you struggle to have time to yourself. Sending hugs and always happy to chat


Went to an adventure playground with my daughter and grandchildren today. I asked her what her husband was doing, and she said how her husband had taken my partners place at a birthday, do jet biking, bowling, and for food and drinks. I wasn’t aware of this being booked. Apparently, it was a boys’ day. I have just messaged my friend to see what she was up to, and she is at the bowling alley bowling with her son. Its upset me to think that i havent known anything about and now to know that other halves have joined them its caused me upset. I am now sitting here thinking of whst else has been organised that i am not aware of. My life is already rubbish, i didn’t think that it could get any worse and today it has. I just don’t know what to do.