What does everyone do on Sundays

I got my husbands allotment too and was gonna give it up but may keep it on tbh … gotta decide soon though and im poorly atm - last year i was walking my puppy and got talking to people x

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My husband originally had 3, but i decided only to try and keep 2 going. I love my veg and would be lost without that. I’m starting to find a really good community on the plots. You have a common interest, so a good starting point for chat, and people are always willing to give advice.


I know bit i avoided it last year cos i didnt wanna see people … gonna have to decide soon or they will chuck me off anyway ! Lol … my daughter said go down one day and get feel for it x

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I don’t have an allotment,but a large garden he always grew the veg and me the flowers.I would be lost without it ,it’s so therapeutic the time flies by when you get engrossed in it.

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I have quite a big garden too, mind it was me that did most of that anyway. If you couldnt it Jim wasnt that bothered. I gave to say fardening is my happy place. I can loose myself for hours!

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I just find it hard to keep up as well as house stuff and i got a garden too … its hard doing all these things just as a one isnt it ? With no support or encouragement … that’s how i feel anyway x


I feel just the same. There seems so much more to do when its just one person. I’m ignorring the house stuff as far as i xan. It will still be here in the winter when we cant go out :grinning:

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Yes it’s good for the soul.I feel so much better when I have been working in the garden.

It is hard work doing everything alone,my Peter always shared the housework and was there to help if anything in the garden was too difficult for me to do myself.x


sunday and bank holidays are the same now as they have always been, boring and basically the same as any other day of the week

I agree every day is the same now, unless there is something positive to do

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I don’t even know what a positive thing is anymore. There doesn’t seem to be a point to anything at all now.


Yes, very hard. John did all the food shopping and cooking, I did the rest. Not keeping up with any of it very well.

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No i know what you mean. Everything feels like bit of a chore doesnt it ? Will get beyter slowly though - youre early days arent you ? Xx

Re visiting my fath I’m catholic and never enjoyed going to church but since I lost my family and now on my own I get strength for getting involved and volunteering at church it nothing like I remember great priest who is approachable and people feels like a family and has us laughing in church which would never have been heard of, also organising meals out afternoon tea with music and singing and walks out everyone looks out for each other x

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This Sunday I was lucky as I joined my two sons and grandson for a walk in a bluebell wood.


Hy Lyn T, I hate weekends. Everyone is doing their own thing. I have tried to be positive and look up groups to join. There are never any events on a Saturday or Sunday. My thoughts are with you


I have had some boring weekends as well. Tried to look up everything. There was a monthly soup Saturday I went to which made a change.
I could go to the allotment like I did last year to pick some spinach and rhubarb left over from last year. When my son has planted cucumbers could orick them out. At the moment I am busy trying to do the garden if it isn’t raining. I can go to the village museum to see the new display on Sunday if I want to do something else. Also try out all the various churches to see what they are like. Last year I was still a National Trust member and there is a property near my son and the allotment. Once I met a lady on her own visiting who had a chat. Doesn’t always happen. Another time no one spoke but I did some sketching.

Hi Lyn,

I am going on a walk tomorrow, I need to get out of the house. It’s near where I live. The walk is for 1 and a half hours. I always feel sad and down at weekends, unless I am seeing my family

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I’m going for a walk shortly. I’m all on my own now. The only time I see people on the weekend is at the gym and most of them are concentrating on their exercise and plugged into their headphones.