What does everyone do on Sundays

I’ll get out of bed now, take my dog out. Then off for an MRI scan, the excitement!

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This Sunday morning, I woke early, to find it an absolutely wonderful Spring day, lots of sunshine, gentle breeze and warm enough if I wore a jumper and a sleeveless jerkin.

I then sat in my conservatory with my first cup of coffee, talking to Penny about how much I’d let her garden deteriorate in the last two years.
I really had to get it sorted, so out came a spade, and I started removing all the overgrown plants, I was going to clear it and start from scratch. I cleared about a third of it before my stomach decided it wanted some breakfast.
There is a lovely garden center about two miles away, who served wonderful breakfasts. I can take my dogs in there, which I did, and listened to the three young ladies who run it laughing and singing, loving their lives!
Whilst I was there, I had a look around at plants, guided by the owner. So I bought my first new plant. I’ve no idea of it’s name, but it’s got bright red leaves.
Then time for a walk, so I’ve called in at our rural canal, wandering along the towpath, looking at all the nature, camera at the ready. Of course I’ve been chattering to Penny about the dog’s fascination with the ducks, and now sat on a bench continuing our chat. Everybody who passes always passes on a few words or longer chat, or give the dogs a pat.
So I’m having a wonderful day, and it’s not even lunchtime yet.
Apart from more digging in the garden, and learning my flute, I’m not sure what the rest of my day has in store, but even if it’s nothing, I’m determined to enjoy this wonderful weather.
It might rain tomorrow, but as long as it’s dry on Monday it’ll be ok, because that’s when I go abseiling🤗


Ita Saturday btw … lol - but glad you had a nice day and weather is lovely in yorkshire today too xx

Yes I talk to my late husband.
I have been in a zoom poetry carers workshop just now.
We had to write a poem about an object so I chose my husband’s dressing gown. Quite triggering but it helps to process what is inside

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Thanks @Deb5 , I thought it was Sunday​:grin::grin::grin:, but here in S Yorkshire, we are usually ahead of everybody else :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::hugs:. Now in t’pub forra pint, before I go home to watch t’Rugby League!!


@Enorac, well done for the poetry,! Is it suitable for publishing here?

Ha ha, u in south yorkshire ? … im near north yorkshire :slight_smile: nice and sunny this morning for sure x

What a beautiful uplifting and inspiring post.
It’s so comforting to see that someone is clearly getting so much out of life despite obviously still grieving for their loved one.
It gives me a lot of hope for the future. Thank you.

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I think we set him a challenge (as he loves them lol). To have us all over to his for a weekend and sing to us haha

Thanks Tykey once again for a lovely positive post. This forum is a wonderful support and a great safe place to share but sometimes I have felt like I’m just not sad enough. Like I was letting Alan down by not being grief stricken enough. Of course I miss him like mad and I would give anything to have him back but I don’t cry all the time or wish for the end of my life so that I can see him again. I don’t have any desire to sleep with his clothes (in fact, they are long gone: given to the living who appreciate them). I am doing my damndest to embrace my new life. It hasn’t been easy but I’m enjoying it. I really like the person I’ve become. So, when I read your posts it really gives me a boost. So thanks mate, you’re a legend x


I feel the same, Sundays were always the day we spent together as my husband still worked when he died. The rest of the i see friends and do activities but Sundays are very lonely. I often try to have a phone call with family or close friends who don’t live close by. Sometimes i just go shopping to get out.
I hope you can find something that helps.
Its a year and a month since my husband died and the pain seems to be worse.
Love to everyone suffering today. Xx


Been feeling so tired and down recently, I haven’t been doing my daily household chores. Just spent most of the morning washing dishes & cutlery. Now to clean the rest of the house. The garden also needs work but that will have to wait.


I have just joined a local walking club :slightly_smiling_face: so next Sunday will be on a long walk with a group.
Yesterday went shopping with a friend, followed by lunch. I am off on a cruise in a few weeks time with friends so gradually I’m building a new life. Don’t get me wrong it all takes a lot of effort but I can’t spend any more weekends moping around and feeling down and out. There is never a truer saying than “Life is what you make it” none of it has to be anything big, just small steps, adjust, adapt and stepping out of the bubble that grief can keep you locked into.
I am off out to lunch with a neighbour later. We have limited nice warm days in this country and got to shake the cobwebs off and make the most of it.
I hope you all have a lovely Sunday and whatever you choose to do is what is right for you at this moment in time. 12 mths ago, I could never envisage where I am now as I couldn’t even get out of bed and dressed. Life does get better but with a lot of effort when the time is right


You are so right…this is is a wonderful forum/place.

And mostly because it is a place we can be honest, share our feelings, share our scary thoughts, share what we try to do to help us - and all without the fear of being judged or questioned about our decisions . Which sometimes happens in the world out there we are living in.

We are all on our very own and personal grief journeys, and we all deal with it in the best way we can for ourselves.
There is no right way or wrong way. And definitely there is no magical solution.
What ever each of does is right for us.

Love, hugs and strength to you all


Next weekend I’ve booked to go on a cat painting class. Hopefully will cheer me up :slightly_smiling_face: x


Oh @Victoria22 . I hope you mean you are going to paint a picture of a cat, and not paint the actual cat.:smirk: Either way, please let us see the result


Yeh youre right … we do need to try more and make best of our lives…I was same this time last year couldnt get out of bed but today chatted to my nice dog walker friend (you know the one @LynT :slight_smile: in thr glorious dunshibe and went to see my mum which meant a drive. Friday went.out with few ladies from this forum for lunch which was lovely and going to see my grandson on thursday. Thise baby steps are getting bigger arent they ? Still have little cries though xx

This wonderful thread has changed , it’s no longer restricted to what we do on Sundays , it’s about what we do every day. Just as well because I sometimes forget what day of the week it is :no_mouth:.

It’s Monday!! Today is the day I go and jump off a cliff and abseil down. I’m going to be the first person ever (as far as I can ascertain) who has done it whilst playing Penny’s favourite song on a kazoo! I’m sure she will be on the rope with me with her arms around my neck screaming in my ear!!

The weather forecast is heavy rain!!

If I survive, I’ll try to get some photos for you.

Have a good day, all of you!


Oh Wow! @tykey i hope you have a great experience. I’m sure Penny will be cheering you on.

Good luck. Have fun

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