What does everyone do on Sundays

Hope it goes well. It’s sunny in Brighton so hopefully the sun comes out wherever you are. I can’t enjoy the sun today as I’m at work. xx

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Lol … have a good day xx

Not in yorkshire ! Raining !! Again !! Beautiful yesterday though … crazy weather X


Enjoy today and thanks for your positive and uplifting posts xx

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layed on bed thinking about mum and the times we shared together and then got emotional and that’s with music on.


Yes I did put couple of my poems on here earlier on in my journey
Will have to did it out if you like poems
Basically you were asked to read Christina Rossetti s poem Colours
She was a carer
So you think of all colours eg red is a rose
Lovely to watch I. Repose
Or whatever you think red stands for and then make next line rhyme
Or I said red is my mum’s red coat
I wear it so she’s not remote
(She died years ago)

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How did it go? xx

I have to be honest, my physical issues let me down with the abseiling. Some years ago I had both knees replaced, and since then I can’t bend them as much as I needed, but I didn’t realise how weak they had become. We had to scramble over scrubby moorland and rocks to get to the site. By the time we got there my knees were very tired and wobbly and wouldn’t do what I told them. I got kitted up and set up on the cliff edge, but I lost faith in them and thought it would be too dangerous for me. It was a shame, because I’d done it 10 years ago, and loved it.
I thought I could do some climbing, so I did some of that with more success, and managed to play my kazoo at the top of my climb before abseiling back to earth, so I actually did a little bit.
I had a great experience with a group of lovely people, with a lot of laughs. I needed a lot of pulling and pushing back up to get back to the car.
So, a good experience, although I realised that at 76 with knees which don’t work means I have to be more circumspect with challenges, but I’m not giving up. Maybe my next challenge, potholing, might be a step too far.
But nothing ventured, nothing gained!! Or Nil Desperandum, if you speak Latin🙂

My current challenge of learning to play a flute continues, and is going very well, as is the choir, and today our banjo group is playing at a gig.


I think thats awesome. Just the thought of abseiling makes me feel sick.

Whatever happens you are determined to carry on loudly!
A-maze- zing!!

I’m glad you enjoyed yourself and think you’re really brave climbing / abseiling. I’m scared of heights :slightly_smiling_face: xx

@tykey we don’t know what our limitations are until we try something but the very fact you set yourself a challenge and participated and did well is fantastic. It’s too easy to stay within our comfort zone but life is nothing without taking risks and enjoying a new adventure

I painted picture of my cat years ago before my husband died but saw a course advertised with no price so enquired like expected too expensive.
I am 79 and can’t do what I used to. This wretched COVID aftermath seems to take stuffing out of you.
Watched other old folk dancing but I had to conserve energy to walk back.
So what did I do on Sunday was bit of gardening . Sounds really tame in comparison with some things. Well yesterday scraped carrots dug up. That was all on top of basics. Today try to keep warm clean up mess I made and might get to a coffee morning


Hi @LynT . I have now decided not to give up, following encouragement from my Brother. One of the most difficult things for me since being on my own is that I now have no one to bounce ideas off, and get encouragement. There is a saying that a “real” friend will tell you what you need to hear, and not what you want to hear. He told me I needed to lose weight, so my knees can cope (and my blood pressure will fall and I’ll live longer). CUT OUT THE CAKE!, he said.
Within 45 minutes I had found a Slimming World group and was sat in a meeting, having signed up and committed to lose 2 1/2 stone.
That’s now my next challenge!
So next summer might well find me standing back on the edge of that cliff without wobbly knees!
Firstly, I have to decide what I can have for breakfast😁

Today, I feel really optimistic.


Hi @Enorac . Just think of the things you can make with those carrots! Now there’s a challenge! You may already be a cordon bleu chef, if not, find a new recipe you’ve never tried before, carrot and coriander soup for instance, or invent a new one. Invent carrot and Bovril soup :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::grin::grin:?, make a bucket of it and take it to a local charity feeding the homeless.
It’s amazing how one thought can lead you into another, then we look back and think I’m proud of that.

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Yes turkey that is an idea. Reminds me of an inspiring woman who made load soup and invited folk round to share it.
You inspired me.
If we all lived close by be easy wouldn’t it ?

Hi lynT
I went to Slimming World ages ago. I lost it and ok it in again.
Still have all books.
I kinda got bored with all the stuff I was meant to eat. I used to cheat and got ticked off by group leader. But I still lost weight doing it even if I did cheat.

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I’ve lost half stone since joining a gym just over 2 months ago, trouble is exercise makes me hungry. Now I just need to try and diet.

Best thing I found was cut out ALL dairy, processed food and bread. Very restricting but I enjoyed the challenge. I lots loads that way, need to get back into it.

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Lol … i didnt need a diet. The stress of it all stopped me from eating. Went the other way x


Me too, I have lost 2stone, I am now 9st 3 :slightly_smiling_face: