What is the point?

MoBe I find that’s me, if someone is talking to be I’m he would have liked that, or we wont get to do that now, i tink these grief waves at the moment there are lots of long peaks and very few troughs

I think the dark nights are having more of an impact than I thought. It’s driving home the change in the seasons and everyone moving on with Christmas. It’s the thought that everything is moving on from her and I’m horrified at the thought is will soon be a different year. She won’t be coming with us into 2024.
I started counselling last week but couldn’t sit in the room for the whole session, I had to escape, even though I wasn’t even talking, just filling in the forms. But it made me think of how I was feeling and acknowledging she was gone. The only way I can get through this is to convince myself she hasn’t gone so I’m not sure counselling is going to work. Did you have counselling? Did you start the medication and did it help?

Ive been having holding councilling, so its just someone to talk to while i wait for the trauma councilling. Not sure it helps, lots of her just waiting for me to speak lots of me not speaking, me wanting to throw something, though she is the only person i can speak about him to. Not started the meds yet, everywhere on line says unless you are severly depressed you should not take meds as need to feel to get through the trauma therapy and im not depressed , im grieving

Am so sorry for your loss, i used to pray to “god” every nite thanking him for keeping my family safe and for being lucky having two lovely sons. Now my baby son has gone I don’t believe there is a god so no point praying, its strange but he didn’t believe either, no god!
Just do what you feel safe with, you dont need to answer or explain your feelings to anyone.
Take care.

Ruby3. My son was a non believer and so am I, even more so. I think how can there be a god when we get dealt all this to deal with, but everyone entitled to there own opinion, this is just my view

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I don’t believe in god but I have to believe our children are still with us in spirit .
That thought keeps me going :blue_heart:


Agree with you completely xx

I wish I believed in God. I might be able to take some comfort in thinking she was in heaven and I would see her soon but like a lot of people on here how can we believe in a God that would let our children suffer and die?
@Taff I am having bereavement counselling, not sure it will do much but I’m hoping at the very least I will be able to say things I’m not able to say to my daughter.

MoBe I hope bereavement counselling helps you. Take care xx

Well counselling was shit!
Surely a grief counsellor should know something about grief.
MY CHILD HAS DIED WHY THE FUCK WOULD I BE PRAYING TO GOD FOR A CURE??? She’s already gone you fucking wanker

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Yours must have done the same training as mine, encouraging me to go away this Christmas as now I can!

From that I guess you won’t be going again. How can counselling be like that. Vent your anger on here. I’ve had a crap day as well. Sending big hug xx

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My day crap, had hoped counselling may of helped you. Stupid thing to say about going away. Take care, big hug xx

That sounds nice, you no longer have the burden of being a mother, go enjoy Christmas away!
How can people not understand losing a child is losing ALL that you are?
Mine kept insisting I was in the bargaining stage of grief, I kept telling him no, I am in denial or anger, why would I be bargaining, I’ve been bargaining for the last 13 years, since she was eight, it didn’t work!

This is why I will not be entertaining any form of councilling .

Will get more from here and other forums .


I’m just so low I was really hoping talking to someone else would help.

Have you looked If there’s a compassionate friends group in your area .
I attend one and find it does help to speak to people who really do understand the devastation of child loss .

Sounds like the wrong counsellor my love.
My son died age 27 and i am having counselling, she hasn’t once mentioned religion, i dont thi k thry should.
My son didnt believe and i dont, there js NO GOD, and if there is he is a ****!
Try a different counsellor if you can.
Sending you a big hug.

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Thank you @Tilly13 I’ll check that out