What's the point? (Had enough)

@Kel2 No you know we will always be here for you!! Hope everything has been sorted for you.
A welcome return. Peace and love always xx


Never feel you shouldn’t be here. You are valued and cared about here. xxx


Thank you everyone. Here is the only place i can talk and be open. X


Hi Kel2,
Welcome back.
Never think its not fair on any of us here. i am sure everyone will say the same that we are here for each other and don’t judge anyone. Just post whenever you want rant chat or ramble on because it’s fine . That’s what I do all the time . Just go on and on and on. We all are low at the moment so please just stay on here. The site is amazing as you know and there are so many times when someone writes something that resonates with me that I find it so comforting. I have more friends on here that I have never met than I do in my personal life.
It is such a pain when you don’t have any internet and phone issues are another level. My internet is very slow at times so that is also a pain.
Did you manage to get things sorted out
Anytime you want to pm please do so
Thinking of you
Deborah x


Speaking personally please DO NOT apologize, we are here for each other, there are days when each and everyone of us is in need, so don’t feel guilty. All my love & a great big hug xxx


It’s just as I feel, I’m truly tired of living like this. Every day the same - terrible loneliness and emptiness. I just put one foot in front of the other, and wait for the end to come. This awful cold weather is really getting me down also.
I’m sorry, I’ve been no help to anyone at all.


@Jacqui3. Hi. I’ve just got up, fed my boys (my four cats), opened all the curtains, made my tea and come back to bed with it! I actually said out loud ‘here we go again’. I loved this morning ritual when David was still here. We’d talk and laugh over our tea about the antics of the cats, plan our day etc. Now it’s dreary and samey and just another day to drag through. The miserable weather doesn’t help. Don’t worry about not being any help. We’re here to help each other and just knowing we’re not on our own in this is a massive help. I’m so very sorry for your loss. Big cuddle to you. Jean x.


Hi @Kel2. The very reason we all on here is because we all feel very low a lot of the time. That’s when you should come on here. You don’t always have to be helpful. Just comment, get things off your chest. That’s the point. Please NEVER apologise for feeling rubbish. We are all here for you and each other. As for the internet problems I would have been tempted to say something along the lines of ‘golly gosh. How annoying’………then battered it with a hammer :grinning:. Big cuddle to you. Jean x.


Take care, it’s so hard, one piece of advise I was given was be kind to yourself (not easy, I know) keep posting, we are here for you. All my love, great big hug xxx


I had a phone call from my husbands Mum had not heard from her since my Husbands funeral in Dec thought i could cope with it but when she started to cry i did not know what to do or what to say to her as i was trying to hold back my tears i am finding it hard to cope with the loss of my Husband and miss him so much its only been 4 months and it feels like i am now going back to the day i lost him as his Mum was talking about what happened that day and why her son was taken from her and how much she misses him it broke my heart hearing how much she was suffering


A completely natural response from both of you and I’m sure you’ll have many more tears together and separately. Tears are simply an expression of how much we loved the person we have lost and are inevitable and actually healthy I believe. They will hopefully become less ‘all consuming’ and even less frequent but they are likely for a very long time to come. Don’t be ashamed or embarrassed by them but try to allow yourself a break from your grief by distraction at times too. We need that balance. Nobody can say the right balance for each person but keeping busy is a good distraction at times, then allow the grief some room as well.

Hugs xxx


Thank you for your kind words i had just started to push the night he passed away to one side and know i think talking to his Mum has brought it all back again as i have not sleep as she asked me did you know that he did not have long left and if not how long have you known for me and my Husband knew he had only six months but i am not sure what my Husband told his Mum


Hi everyone, I’m really struggling. I wish things were just a bit better but at this moment in time I just seem to be stuck. Life just seems so pointless. I am waiting for councelling and I am hoping that will help. Just don’t know what to do?


Hi so sorry that you are struggling . i am waiting for councelling its been 4 months for me and finding life so hard to cope with


Thank you Sue for replying. I don’t post very much but when I do I very seldom get a response.X


I should say there are a couple of people on here who do check up on me if I haven’t been on here for a while and I thank them for that.X


@Loobyloo2 I’m so sorry you are feeling so bad. It’s 7 months on Saturday since the light left my life. I have days when I’m just numb, days when I just cry, days of complete meltdowns. It’s a very hard road to travel for all of us. I think all we can do is hope, hope it gets a tad better, hope for the relentless pain to subside…

Sending a big hug… xx❤️


Hi @Loobyloo2 so sorry to hear you are still struggling. The anniversary of your loved one’s passing will have stirred your emotions. It’s the inner loneliness that’s so awful, isn’t it? I was with my wife for 50 years and it is 4 months today she passed. I am surrounded by family and friends so I don’t lack company but I still find that hole in my heart left by the loss of my soulmate the most difficult thing to come to terms with. I think counselling might well help you. I hope you are able to get this soon. Have you still got a dog to walk? I make a point now of engaging single dog walkers with a smile as from posts here I think they may well be bereaved and appreciate acknowledgement they still exist. Hugs and support. xx


@Dottie72 yes it is a hard road to travel without our special person. I know I haven’t even accepted that he has gone. Thank you for the hug. I needed that.X


@Loobyloo2 , I hope you can get your counselling soon and that it helps. Do keep posting on here about how you feel as there is usually someone around to chat to.
Karen xxx