When visitors leave


Big massive hugs to you
I so know how you feel. My partner and I had discussed what was going to happen should the worse happen so we decided some of his private pension and they still wanted more. I am so grateful that he left a Will although they are so greedy they wanted to sell everything for money and leave me without any memories trinkets it was awful it upsets me just thinking about it

One thing to you all I thought I was the only one going through with this type of situation I know it is not good thing but I dont feel so isolated reading your situations


Hi , yes those loving evenings spent together, just winding each other up , so wonderful . But we really didnt appreciated it at the time , thought it would last forever . …i have had my grandsons out to the beach today , the amount of couples i seen holding hands , knowing that will never be me again . Im sure i will have tears before bedtime. All xtake carex


It prays on my mind how horrible they were like you I’m so grateful he made a will,they wanted half of my house as half belonged to me we bought it outright both paying equal shares for it,If there hadn’t been a Will I would have had to either sell it or mortgage it to give them half of the money we were together 38 years but never married so the son was arguing he was next of kin even though we hadn’t even seen him for 18 months and he lives 2 miles away,he didn’t offer to pay for the funeral though or ask about any of that not that I wanted him to.We are best forgetting these terrible people.


My husband died in January and it hasn’t gotten any easier. In bed early and can’t sleep. My brain is mush and I keep forgetting things.

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It’s amazing how greedy people can be when someone dies. Be strong and put yourself first. You are the one in pain and grieving. Take care and good luck


My husband died in December and my brain is mush still and I keep forgetting things I was very focused until his illness and death but now I have to keep double checking everything. It seems to be worse when I am out or with people.

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Someone’s death seems to bring out the worse in people or it’s there already. I only hope when it’s their turn to experience the grief we are going through that they might think back to their behaviour

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I always tried with the both of them but always felt that they looked down their nose at me and whatever I was always to blame no matter if I was involved or not even asking my husband what funeral did he want when the poor man was struggling to put words together because of his illness and hit the roof when he said he only want a direct cremation of course it must be my fault


I totally agree with you I just hope karma gets them.To ask him about his funeral then not respect his wishes is very insensitive and unacceptable.Peter died very suddenly at home it was very traumatic for me I found him we were laughing and joking an hour earlier.I got his brother to ring the son he never contacted me just left me to sort everything out on my own .It was five weeks until the funeral I didn’t even know if they would attend but they did,there were no flowers off them or anything.I was just completely numb with everything and went through it all like a zombie.It As if we haven’t enough to deal with they put us through all this rubbish.

I agree I had been caring for my husband watching him lose everything slowly it was hell for him and me him losing his dignity and them who had never done anything for us not Christmas ever in 32 years and when we moved house last year just before he died he was too unwell to travel up from Cornwall to Hampshire with me so I had to travel alone and get the keys then travel back to Cornwall and stay in holiday complexes so I could be with him until he could travel which he did two weeks before he died . His daughter commented she would have like to have been there well what stopped her travelling up to Hampshire as I had done do for times in 6 weeks and offered to stay at ours .We have nothing to feel bad about we were both there for them until the end they wasn’t .

Same here they did nothing for us we saw them twice a year for 2 hours even though they live very close.It’s incredible that people who have done so little expect so much.I’m relieved that he had no say in their upbringing they were very small when he divorced he would never have brought kids up to be so selfish the stepfather was the main influence there.You and I should be proud we did everything we could for them and that’s all that matters.

It’s the only way forward for the both of us we don’t have to put up with any nonsense now :sunglasses:

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I know just how you feel. I had my son and his wife and my sister around for Easter Sunday lunch and there was sadness and joy talking and remembering Stewart. Then they all go home! What do you do then? Nobody can help when you are alone. Reading some of other people’s letters does help me a little helps me realize we are not on our own there are a lot of us in the same place. Mostly I can cope by going out as much as possible but it hurts so much so many times. Thinking of you and just hope your loneliness gets less. :pray:

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Every time I have company I know the pain of emptiness when they leave I feel normal when they are here but always have this ache when they have gone . I keep myself busy but sometimes feel so alone even though I have friends and family it’s not the same .


I understand how you feel, I have had the same, nobody but us who have lost can understand each other. I have family but they don’t live with me. I hope things will improve for you believe me.

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I hope the same for you learning to live alone is not easy is it

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I have lived alone with no contact from friends or family. I only have myself to please. I’m of to the sun to live out my days in peace.


Good luck with everything enjoy the sun

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What has happened to you is unbelievably cruel. Those boys lying to their mum was pure evil. Selfish, nasty lot , you are well shot and your lovely lady would be appalled.
My lovely wife died in January, after 42 years together. We cut her family out of our life 34 years ago as they continually caused trouble for my wife and I for no reason. They were not informed that my wife died: she didnt want them to know.
There definitely is nothing stranger than folk.
Good luck with the move and look after yourself, you’ve been through a nightmare.

All the best for your life in the sun

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