Why am I suddenly so tearful

I know … :frowning: its awful isnt it xxx big hug. We’re all here for you - therevreally needs to be more rmpsthy for widows - its the hardest journey we will ever make :(. No wonder queen Victoria disappeared for years when she lost her albert … i often think of her and how she coped ? Dont know why - cos she was a widow i suppose x

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I think if you truly loved them its hard and pain, when i was working full time before Andrew was discharged from the rehabilitation unit my work colleague asked me why i was leaving to look after Andrew, apparently i should consider myself. I couldn’t believe it i was shocked. I found working today very hard, i work in a school and even the children didn’t take my mind off things. Im even going over what happened to Andrew when im trying to get to sleep. I’ve got my 1st counselling session tomorrow.

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Good luck with counselling. Does help u know. I enjoyed mine very much - she was lovely xx

I hope that someone loves me to the very end, too.


So do i … xx

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Aw … i know you have days like that ! It all seems too much of an uphill struggle doesnt it ? Take care and chat if you want xx

Well it’s coming to the end of another Bank holiday without my husband just over a year now and it’s been so very lonely without him and I’ve cried through most of the Bank holiday and honestly feel Iike I have gone backwards :broken_heart: :cry: as you said Deb5 it’s like an uphill struggle and I’ve come to the point were I just can’t climb anymore it breaks my heart to think of all the people out there going through what were going through it’s so cruel as shellmiller said for loving :heart: someone that much you have to suffer this terrible grieving pain sending hugs to you all and take care x


Yeh youre so right … im going clothes shopping with my mum today ( shes 84) but at least it gets me out of the bloody house !! Im so fed up today and as you say each bank holiday is just excruciating without them isnt it :(,Xx

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Deb5 enjoy your day take care xx

I so get it,sometimes I feel they pull you backwards instead of forwards,but everyone is different,its like,for them one size fits all,if you know what I mean? Just thinking about it, I know it was not for me,but if it helps some people then that can only be a good thing right? But I feel the same,glad to talk to you, take care x

Hi maggi7 your so right everyone is different thank goodness some are a lot stronger than others I think I’m in the weaker category but although I have most bad days and hardly any good days I’ve promised myself I will beat this grieving and loneliness I’m definitely not going to let it beat me you take care :heart: Wendy

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Hi, I can absolutely fully relate to your story, I’m actually in tears just reading it and feel all the pain and emotions that you’re feeling. When I lost the love of my life we played Stay in my Lonely Arms by the Elgins at her funeral and occasionally I put it on at home and I’m a total wreck. Loved her so much, miss her so much. Its so hard. Take care of yourself


Wow Melinda, I couldnt have put it better myself. When Val was with me I seemed so full of energy and get up and go, but now I just sit and sit and sit for hours, aimlessly doing nothing. We’ve got 3 daughters and if they ask me to help with odd jobs I’m there straight away, but at home although I’ve got all sorts of things need doing I just cant be bothered anymore. Its over 3 years now since I lost her and I’d half hoped that I’d be feeling a little easier with things by now, but I dont and probably never will. Hope you’ll feel better soon, we’re all here for each other. Take care


I lost my mum 14 uears ago i dont finished greaving i thought i shuld had gonshed

And here I am again. It’s been weeks since I cried but today I am sobbing again. I feel so down. There is lots I should be doing but I really can’t be bothered so I am just sitting here, crying, and feeling very lost and lonely. Facebook memories popped up some photos of last year and our last holiday together. We knew he was dying then but he seemed so much better after stopping the chemotherapy and I was still hoping for a miracle. As the anniversary of his death approaches I am finding myself pulled back into despair. I realised today that I have basically spent the last 11 months subconsciously waiting for him to come home to me.


Hi @Louise1951 I’m sorry for your loss. I seem to have posted a lot today. I know what you mean about sitting around. Yesterday I spent nearly four hours just looking at and reading stuff on my phone. I could have been tidying up the garden or the house but no just sat. I think it makes me worse sometimes. I look after the garden but it is such a hard task now just being on my own. I’m in my early seventees and as we say not getting any younger. I long for my husband every day to come back but know that will never happen. I think I need a kick up the backside sometimes.x


Hi Louise1951 and Loobyloo2 it was 13 months yesterday to the date my husband passed and I feel exactly the same as you just sit looking at my phone for hours then a memory comes up and then starts me crying it seems forever I haven’t seen him I seem to have gone backwards and I look for my husband all the time after 51 years together this past year has been a total nightmare and yes it’s the loneliness that gets you it’s horrendous take care and sorry for your loss x

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I’m OK at all the practical stuff. I was the gardener and I always did the DIY. But he brought my lunch, made me cups of tea and called me in when he thought I’d worked long enough in the garden.

I’m also in my early 70’s. I’m comfortably off and I’m fit but I’m struggling to see any point in anything any more. Today I just miss him so much. I am either weeping quietly or sobbing loudly and I don’t understand why I feel so wretched.


Because you have days like that when it all just hits you again … i suppose its that wave of grief that comes ? Bu its better to cry and let it all out than leave it festering. I had an awful day yesterday and felt in total despair but today im better xxx

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I have always been the gardener so that part doesn’t bother me as for jobs around the house I’m quiet handy bit if it’s something I can’t do I have my son and it’s true better to cry than let it fester take care x

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