
Thank you xxx

Morning mom
My medication has been up but now I need to start to address what is making me depressed hope my Councillor will help talk to her today I hope? I’m not sure she did say she doesn’t do the week before half term but she was ill last week so maybe who knows. Getting back on track children today are going to be scientists lots of experiments to blow their minds cant wait love you mom xxx

Hi Loll49,
Grief is making you depressed Lolla just like so many people on here. You are coping so well with holding a job down also. Half term soon so you can rest and recharge then for 2 weeks. May has lots of Bank Holidays so you can have mini breaks from school to rest also.
Enjoy with your little scientists today
Deborah x

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Hi mom
Today was an eye-opener in more ways than one. Children loved science day. My Councillor told me she thinks I’m in a coercive relationship and I have to agree with her. I feel so ashamed that I’ve let him control my life and my children’s lives how did I not see it? Mom I could do with a cup of tea, a hug and a chat right now xxx.

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Hi Lolla49,
Am so glad the children loved their science day. Hope you did too Lolla.
I hope your counsellor can help you in all sorts of ways
Deborah x

Thank you for your kind words xxx

Morning mom
Just going to walk the dog :dog2: back on time table today got to some how pick up the children that did no work yesterday as we were off timetable.

Morning mom
Getting ready for the easter bonnet tomorrow and making easter cards today think we should have started earlier but who am I to override the teacher’s decision…

Hi, mom today was a very long day As we were off the timetable Tuesday I had to double up on my English and maths books today with no help from the class teacher when it came to making them all and I will end up doing books tomorrow. Easter bonnet tomorrow

Hi mom that was a long night he was complaining his toe hurts and he is in pain and I don’t care. I cleaned and dressed his toe ( he has had a skin tag removed). Easter bonnet parade today day in morning and assembled in afternoon got maths and English and bookbags to fit in I will be glad when I’m in after school club tonight love you xxx

On reading some of your posts I feel and I hope I don’t offend but I feel if your partner was more supportive and understanding it would help enormously. Does he still have his mum and dad x

Hi Lolla49,
Hope the Easter Bonnet Parade went well. Bet the children looked so pretty in their hats.
Sounds like you have had a very busy day getting all the maths and literacy books done so well done.
Have you broken up for Easter today? Hope you have and you can switch off from school work.
Concentrate on yourself Lolla and your children… Your partner is big enough to sort himself out. You deserve so much more support and like Nel wrote I too am hoping I don’t offend you.
Happy school holidays
Deborah x

I wish my partner was more supportive but he isn’t he has lost both his parents. I am not offended by your comments its nice to have someone to talk to sometimes.

Loved the children in bonnet today got all the books done and an easter egg hunt now it’s an easter break for 2 weeks. No, you have not offended me xxx

Hi Lolla49
So glad the day went great for you. Well done . Take it easy over the holidays and chill.
Look after yourself ok
Deborah x

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Hi mom Well the first day of the holiday not done alot today xxx

Hi mom Can not do much when he is at home just felt like he was just mimicking me all-day. Walked thedog and done the house work love you xxx

Hi Lolla49,
You have had a busy day ! I hope you have a lovely break from school and find time to do something nice for yourself.
Don’t put up with anyone mimicking you though. You are worth more than that x
Deborah x


Hi mom
What can I say the weekend was so long can’t wait till Wednesday my daughter is taking me away for a mini break looking forward to a few days away. Going to walk the dog and then I’m going shopping. Love you xxx

Hi Lolla, I hope you enjoy your two week break from school. My Mum was a teacher and my brother in law is a Head Teacher in a Hampshire School. He always goes down with a cold as he starts to relax. Also, I did also read your comment about the mimicking. You sound such a wonderful thoughtful and kind person and not sure why you are being mimicked by somebody who claims to care about you. You need support and kindness from a partner. I hope you don’t think I’m being judgemental or preaching but as an outsider looking in, it sounds like this person is not that supportive of you. Jules x

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