Please tell me your reason for living following your bereavement. Just in ONE sentence please, I simply can’t cope with lengthy screeds. Thank you, Sadme
- emphasized text
To get back home, ( back home where i belong ) pay my respects to Richard ( crematorium ) and to my parents ( grave ) to tell them i am back home…after that i dont care what happens to me…
I believe that life is a gift, sometimes not what we would want, but it still should be treasured.
It’s just not my turn yet!
I’m with you on this -broken hearted like you.
I understand that. Thank you
My two wonderful children-my son who is so like my husband and my daughter who is beautiful and kind.
So that my daughter can have her mum till her 40s like I had mine x
Yes, a good reason for living on.
To fulfil all the plans we had for our retirement, in memory of my wonderful husband x
To love and support my sons and their young families, their dad would be so proud of them both.
Because he would want me to until it is my time to go.
My reason for living is LOVE
Love forfrom my husband - we are still connected in love
Love for/from my children , love for/from my grandchild and a couple of beautiful friends
Safie x
My family whom our son Christian was and still is and always will be a massive of even though he left us two years ago… xx
I’m with Metal.Mickey no reason to go through the painful, pointless days and endless sleepless nights.
Sadone - what is the point then ?
Curl up and wait for death?
By trying to live well you are honouring your husbands life!
You fought so much for him to live and now …
Sadie x
Sadie, without my husband there is no point in my life, which is what I said. After 2 years of struggling I’d happily “curl up and die” rather than keep suffering.
My husband didn’ t spend a long time fighting for life he died almost instantly
I simply don’t understand this " honouring his life by living well " To me living well is being with the person you’ ve shared love and companionship with all your life, not struggling through each day alone with no end in sight desperately finding things to do to fill in the time.
A lot of people on this site have nothing after losing their loved one. Sadme
Sadone, I don’t think honk I expressed myself well.
I find life difficult without my husband. Life is joyless, and the void is immense. I do have my melt downs, depressing life houghts and I feel trapped into a little fe I don’t want and didn’t ask for
However - my husband would be disappointed at me as a person and wife if he saw me giving up on life. I honour him by keeping his name alive, I honour him by speaking about and living our love to each other and to be he family we created. I want my Jack to feel proud of me - I can’t see him but I know his spirit is here supporting me and I try to support him wherever he is.
the reason I get up each day, the reason I continue to live is for our son and daughter. they each have my husband, Alan, continuing to live on within them. He had no choice in remaining with us, I have the choice to live this different life, and shall live it the best way I can having his love in my heart, memories in my mind and his spirit by my side. I also have another reason to get up each day and that is for my adorable pug, Ada.
a very dear friend spoke if a newspaper article yesterday on the Law of Attraction, it immediately reminded me of the practise I once held a good few years ago. Negative thoughts breed negative thoughts, we put out negative thoughts to the universe, that is what we receive back a thousand fold. all this talk about not wanting to live without our partners, they had no choice to live, we owe it to them to treasure our choice to live, and in doing so, we keep then alive in our hearts and in our memories. eventually I shall join Alan, but not until it is my time to do so.
(sorry it’s a long post, couldn’t respond in one sentence, too much to live for. )
hope today is an improvement on yesterday and tomorrow is an improvement on today