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Katie has a silver monkey holding a lightbulb in her room.

I bet she’s got her mothers sense of humour as well,the apple doesn’t drop.

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Hi willow
My teacher called me a dunce made me stand in the corner facing the wall for a whole afternoon
This was for talking in class which I wasn’t.
I was seven.
When I got home ( on my own) no nutters about.
Told my dad he went mental and went up to
School spoke to the head and made the teacher
apologise to us both.
That sorted her out.
Couldn’t do that now defo.
Doreen x

I am still here x

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She makes me laugh. Well, she does usually, not so funny at 3 am this morning. I can see her on the baby monitor now. Fast asleep. Xx

Good for him.
Teachers were too harsh. I got caned frequently, though I was a pain in the bum.

I meant to ask what is that huge plant by the front door it’s lovely.

Ruler on the back of hands for using my left hand to write.i was so scared I began to stammer.
My dad sorted that out as well
Still left handed.
Doreen x

That is so cruel.

I would have gone up and decked him, that was just masochistic.

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I think I need to throw my hand in. Katie had me up at stupid o’clock this morning.
Goodnight and God Bless.

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If that’s the case I have post traumatic trauma
After being whacked over my 7 year old little
Hands and fingers.
I still can’t knit anything
Doreen x

Goodnight godbless to you too love, we will hopefully talk again tomorrow.Xx

Goodnight Doreen sleep well love.

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Well I thought I was going to sleep
But I’m still here, still awake!

Goodnight everyone, again
I’ll have another go at going off

X x

Good luck Liz,try and get some sleep.

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I’m so very tired

Goodnight Ron
X x

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Thanks Ron and you sleep well to.

Everyone try and sleep a bit better
Love to all my dear friends on here
Doreen xxxx


I slept from 9pm ISH to 3:30am. Got up to read for a half hour. Tried to go back to sleep and couldn’t. Kept thinking of my husband, talking a bit to him out loud which I haven’t done before. But I just miss him so much. Still can’t believe I won’t see him again.

As Ron said… been scrolling through all the messages. Had alot to catch up on but it’s made me chuckle. Thanks all

I have a blood test at 930am so will try to get a couple more hours in. But wanted to share.
