Hi Raffy not sure myself how to pm xx

Hi Raffy not sure if this will work xx

Once you have PM connection you can continue your PM thread by pressing your picture/identity disk at the top of the page and using the envelope icon that comes up down the side.

Ive pressed the round disc with your h in as pudding advised but still cant find the pm thing , im not sure what im doing its prob something simple ill keep trying x

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Hi pudding ,help ! Im not getting it i cant find the pm thing even after pressing the disc , any ideas ? Thanks so much x

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Hi pudding its just comes up saying post not emptied so not sure xxx

All i get is copy link ,download link etc etc x

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You just type your message into the download link and send it I think x

I must admit I don’t find it the most intuitive site. I have struggled at times but I am not afraid to fiddle to see what happens. Didn’t have this sort of thing when I worked in IT. Mind you that was 2005.

Thankyou pudding ,Hope5 managed to pm me , I am now going to fiddle around and try and navigate this site , if no one hears from me for a while ,you know I really did cock it all up & have to start again ,(only joking) :crossed_fingers:



For anyone who’s having problems sending private messages, we have some guidance here:


If you get really stuck just let me know as I’m able to set up private message chats between users.

I hope this helps, take good care.



@Hope5. I am happy to meet up still next year. I have had my grandchildren visiting this week but lets hope we can arrange to meet early in the year.

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I think i have just sent you a PM

Im in East Sussex. Any good?

Hi punto thats good thanks for letting me know xxx

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@Rome18 me too.

That might be, perhaps we can sort out something for the new year when I’ve got all of the angst of my son moving to Bournemouth and my daughter trying to find somewhere to live with her little family (her landlord visited her a couple of weeks ago and gave them 2 months notice!). Once the kids are sorted I’ll have so much free time, and hopefully a car, so it would be good to do something else. Gail

Yes, today I woke up and said I hate my life… words that I thought I would never say ever.

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My aunts funeral was today made it through the ceremony by thinking what shopping I needed. Then back to my cousins and after 10 minutes had to leave as it was to much. I realised today its only me going to all the things we would do together.


Hi @LolaA
Sorry to here your feeling that way.
I guess we all feel like that some days.
I wish i could just here his voice laugh one more time but i realise i wont
Life is tough and we are.left now to deal with it
Take care
Lynne x